CRDC Reporting

Modified on Wed, Dec 11, 2024 at 2:23 PM



The following set of reports are for the 2021-22 Civil Rights Data Collection or CRDC (to be collected in 2022-23).   The report is made up of two separate reports. The CRDC LEA form and the CRDC Schools form.

PLEASE NOTE: When collecting data for the 2021-22 school year, make sure you are running the report within the 2022-23 school year. 

When working to review and correct the data within Genesis, you must be working within the 2021-22 school year. When collecting data for the 2023-24 school year, make sure you are running the report within the 2024-25 school year. when working to review and correct the data within Genesis, you must be working within the 2023-24 school year.


2021-22 CRDC Excel Template School Form

2021-22 CRDC School Form Specification

2021-22 CRDC LEA Form Specification

2023-24 CRDC LEA Form Specification

2023-24 CRDC School Form Specification
2023-24 CRDC School Form Excel Template

2023-24 Flat File Specifications

CRDC Resource Center

Office of Civil Rights Website

CRDC Support: [email protected]

Two reports (31972 and 31974) that collect 2021-22 CRDC info can be viewed and run from Registration > Reports:

2 Reports (31976 and 31978) that pull 2023-24 CRDC can be viewed via Registration>Reports - 31976 and 31978:

Because there are sections of the report that Genesis does not contain the data for and therefore will leave blank, you may select/filter out certain sections of the report you do not wish to see. The purpose of excluding fields is to shorten the length of the spreadsheet for easier reviewing. 

New options added to report 31974:

Blank out Zeroes in skippable COUR sections    

Blank out Zeroes in skippable APIB sections    

Blank out Zeroes in skippable EXAM sections    

Blank out Zeroes in skippable RETN sections    

Blank out Zeroes in skippable Pre School questions

Getting Started

Which Students are Included?

The CRDC report will include all students who were enrolled on the snapshot date (ex: 10/15/2021) in all schools being reported. See below for information on which schools are included on the CRDC report. 

School and District Setup

    1.  The SCH_ID (school ID) column is set based on the Federal School Code field in Setup > Schools > Modify School

    2.  Within Setup > Schools screen, be sure to check the following school settings for accuracy, as this will impact which schools are included on the CRDC report:

  • Include students in state reporting - must be set to YES
  • In District School - must be set to YES
  • Is an Inact School - must be set to NO
  • Is a Pre-Registration School - must be set to NO
  • Is Summer School - must be set to NO
  • Exclude Students in School from CRDC collection - must be set to NO
  • Collect Students by their Home School for ASSA and CRDC collections - optional

    3.  You must set your State LEA Code and Federal LEA Code fields for the district. These are both found on the Setup > Districts > List of Districts > Modify District screen. The CRDC's LEA_ID field comes from the Genesis Federal LEA Code field. 

Preparing Course and Scheduling Data

    1. Every Genesis course must have a CRDC Classification selected if it fits in one of the provided categories. These will be used to gather totals in the COUR: Courses & Classes section of the report. If a course does not fit in one of those categories, leave the field blank (See the definitions on the CRDC site). The options are as follows:

To set the CRDC Classification on one of your courses, visit Scheduling > Curriculum within the appropriate school year and search for your course(s). Click on the course code to open the course, and locate the CRDC Classification field near the bottom. Update this dropdown to the proper selection, and click Save or Save and Open Next Course.

    2.  AP and IB courses must be assigned to a SCED course (having a state defined course code). This is necessary for questions in the AP and IB sections of the report. Follow the steps above to locate your course's NCES SCED Code field.

    3.  IB course must be flagged with the IB checkbox in the school's curriculum.

    4.  How Genesis determines Students who took an AP Course this year:

- First we find all Courses with a SCED Course Code populated that represents an AP Course

- Then we find all students whose schedule contains one of the courses identified as AP

    5.  How Genesis determines Student Enrollment in Dual Enrollment Program

- Student must be in grades 9-12

- Student must NOT also be enrolled in any AP or IB course (see above for how AP/IB courses are determined)  

- Student must be enrolled in a course with the Course Instruction Type field set to: College level dual enrollment/ dual credit course

- Student must have a checkmark under Dual E/C column of the Scheduling > Sections > Modify Section screen as follows:

Preparing Conduct Data for Discipline and HIB

    1.  Review Disciplinary Action Codes

On Conduct > Setup > Conduct Codes > Action Codes screen, check to make sure the following flags have been set correcly: "Is ISS", "Is OSS", "Is Exp. With Ed. Services", "Is Exp. W/O Ed. Services", "Is Exp. No Tolerance", "Is Referral to Law Enforcement", "Is School-Related Arrest", "Transfer Alternate School".

   2.  To gather student discipline information for the DISC: Student Discipline and ARRS: Student Discipline totals section, Genesis builds a list of all disciplinary Action Codes that are flagged as: ISS, OSS, Expulsion with Educational Services, Expulsion without Educational Services, Expulsion for No Tolerance, Referral to Law Enforcement, Transfer to Alternate school, or School-related Arrest. 

    3.  For data in the RSTR: Restraint & Seclusion section totals, Genesis is looking at the discipline incidents where a Discipline Restraint or Seclusion record has been created. This can be found on Conduct > Incidents > Modify Incident > Modify Offender screen. If the following button is used, you will see checkboxes for Seclusion and Restraint in its place:

   4.  HIB Incident Data

HIB Incidents are stored in Genesis under the Conduct > HIB Investigations tab.

Any HIB Incident can be connected to a Conduct Incident, which are found under the Conduct > Incidents tab.

To gather HIB data, the report collects all HIB records in the current school year that are related to any of the included students, then determines if the student was a victim or an offender for each incident they were involved in. It separates each incident into one of the three categories defined by the CRDC. These categories describe the basis of the HIB and relate to the HIB Incident Category field in Genesis. The categories are 'on the basis of sex', 'on the basis of race, nationality, or origin', and 'on the basis of disability'. Here is how they map to our HIB Incident Categories:

  1. On the basis of sex = 'Gender', 'Gender Identity and Expression', or 'Sexual Orientation'
  2. On the basis of race = 'Origin', 'Ancestry', 'Color', 'Race'
  3. On the basis of disability = 'Mental, Physical, or Sensory Disability'

So as an example, say there is a student who is listed as an offender on a HIB. The HIB record's Incident Category is 'Sexual Orientation'. That will result in the CRDC field SCH-0036 'Reported Allegations of Harassment or Bullying' to have 1 added to the field for bullying on the basis of sex. It will also result in the CRDC field SCH-0038 'Students Disciplined for Harassment or Bullying' to have 1 added to one of its fields. 

NOTE: The Incident Infraction Worksheet is a spreadsheet included as an attachment to your download of the #31974 CRDC-School Form report. It contains a summary count of  incident infractions for the following SSDS infraction codes;  Assault, Fight, Kidnapping, Robbery/Extortion, Sexual Contact, Sexual Assault, Theft (>$10), Threat Simple, Threat Criminal - Aggravated Assault, Threat Criminal - Arson, Threat Criminal - Homicide, Threat Criminal - Kidnapping, Threat Criminal - Sexual Assault.  They are listed as having being committed with a weapon, or without depending on the addition of a second incident infraction group code of WEAPON.
31974 - CRDC 2021-22 School Form  - Adding logic to how we count "Referral to Law Enforcement " and "School-Related Arrest" in the CRDC.  Currently, the CRDC only looks at ACTION codes     assigned to a discipline incident to determine "Referral to Law Enforcement " and "School-Related Arrest".  If the ACTION code in Setup is marked as     "Referral to Law Enforcement" or "School Related Arrest", then it is counted as such in the CRDC.      Genesis will now, in addition to ACTION CODE, also check the "Police Notification:" drop down on an incident.  If it is set with a code that has a     SSDS Field Mapping of "Arrested" or "Police Notified", then it will be counted as such in the CRDC. SSDS Field Mappings are set from the    Conduct -> Setup -> ConductCodes -> SSDSFieldMappings tab.    The CRDC will only use one or another.  If an Incident is marked with both an Action Code and a Police Notification Code, it will not duplicate the count.

Preparing Assessments Data

    1.  Assessments information included on the CRDC report is gathered from the Assessments module. This includes ACT, AP, and SAT assessments.

   2.  Genesis will check your list of assessment definitions to determine which assessments qualify for the report. This list is found on the Assessments >Setup > Assessment Templates screen.

    3.  Students who took the SAT or ACT this year

Genesis will check your list of assessment definitions where the Test Name field is set to 'SAT' or 'ACT'. Then we find all students with a Student Assessment Score record where the assessmentCode matches one of these definitions.

    4.  Students who took an AP Test this year

Genesis will check your list of assessment definitions where the Test Name field is set to 'AP'. Then we find all students with a Student Assessment Score record where the assessmentCode matches one of these definitions.

    5.  For data groups SCH-0028 and SCH-0029, we do not break the information down to the level of specific tests. Instead, we count how many AP courses a student took in total, and how many AP tests a student took in total and go from there. Lets say a student is found to have taken 3 AP courses and is found to have taken 2 AP tests. We would count them in data group SCH-0028-1, which is a count of "Students who took AP exams for some AP courses taken."

Preparing Student Data

Much of the data needed in this report is pulled directly from student records and course data. However, information on IEP status, 504 status, and LEP status require look ups in each of those database tables.

Students with IEP, 504, and ELL/ML Records

How we find students with an IEP:

Find all IEPTracking records where (IEPBeginDate is before snapshot date) and (IEPEndDate is null or is after snapshot date).

How we find students with a 504:

Find all Student504Tracking records where (startDate is before snapshot date) and (endDate is null or is after snapshot date).

How we find EL students

Find all ESLLEPTracking records where (startDate is before snapshot date) and (endDate is null or is after snapshot date) and esllepCode is either '<', '1', '2', or '3'.  For categories where reporting in an EL Program, the student must have a program type not equal to Future or Parent Refused.

How we find students with a 504 and without an IEP:

We take the students found with 504s and remove all the students found with IEPs.

How we find students who participated in a Scholastic Sport :

Anyone marked 'participated' in a Student Activity marked as a Sport.

How we find students who took the SAT or ACT this year:

First we find all AssessmentDefinitions whose test name is 'SAT' or 'ACT' and whose test date was in August 2020 through July 2021. Then we find all students with a StudentAssessmentScore where the assessmentCode refers to one of the AssessmentDefinitions we just described.

How we find students who took an AP Test this year:

First we find all AssessmentDefinitions whose test name is 'AP' and whose test date was in August 2020 through July 2021. Then we find all students with a StudentAssessmentScore where the assessmentCode refers to one of those AssessmentDefinitions we just described.

How we find students who took an AP Course this year:

  1. First we find all SCED Courses that are flagged as AP courses.

  2. Then we find all Curriculum Courses whose SCED Course Codes are in the list from step 1.
  3. Then we find all students whose schedule contains courses in the list from step 2.

How do we place students into the 'Student Enrollment in Dual Enrollment Program' category:

  1. First students must be grades 9,10,11 or 12

  2. Student must NOT also be enrolled in either an AP or IB course.  
    1. An "IB" course is any Genesis course with the "IB" configuration flag checkbox checked off.  
    2. AP courses are defined above in 'How we find students who took an AP Course this year:'.
  3. Student must be enrolled in a course with a "Course Instruction Type" set to 'College level dual enrollment/ dual credit course taught by staff assigned or not assigned to your district'
  4. Student must not be unchecked from the Dual Credit on the course section roster screen.

Gifted and Talented

This comes from the "Gifted and Talented" checkbox on the student's Categories screen. However, if your district has the option set on the Setup > Schools > Modify School > Basic Params tab to Calculate gifted and talent students using Gifted and Talented courses, then the student will have the flag set automatically if they are enrolled in a course with the Gifted and Talented Course checkbox enabled. If this is not set, then the gift and talented comes from this manually being set on the student's Demographics/Categories tab.

Preparing the Files for Submission

- Visit the Registration > Reports screen within the appropriate school year to locate the two CRDC reports: #31972 and #31974

- Click on the name of the report you wish to run

- On the next screen, choose your options and click Schedule Report to run the report

- The report will finish in a few moments, and then a button will appear to Download Excel Output. Click this button to download the file to your computer so it can be reviewed.

To convert the report to csv format in Excel, make sure the first worksheet is selected, and then save as type: CSV (Comma delimited) (*.csv). You will be warned that only the active sheet can be saved. This is not a problem as the first sheet is all that is needed for the CRDC.

PLEASE NOTE: If the resulting csv file is re-opened in Excel, the leading zeroes will be dropped from all cells. This is fine for simply viewing the csv file, but if the file is then saved those missing leading zeroes will be removed from the file.

A Note on Empty Fields and Yellow Fields

In many cases there will be cells in the output file that are empty. The CRDC specifications have rules stating that in certain conditions you are to leave a field blank.

For example in CRDC SCH Part 2 there are fields that ask how many 2nd graders were retained. If a school does not contain 2nd grade, that field is supposed to be empty in the output file.

Fields with a yellow background that contain the message "FILL ME IN" are fields that Genesis is not able to answer. These fields are clearly marked to serve as a reminder that they will have to be entered into the file by hand.

Fields with a yellow background that contain the message "See Incident Infraction Worksheet" are indications for you to see the contained "See Incident Infraction Worksheet" sheet for information about filling in that data.

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