Gradebook Maintenance Screen

Modified on Sat, Aug 24 at 11:42 AM

Gradebook Maintenance

The Gradebook>School Setup>Maintenance>Gradebook Maintenance tab contains Grading Related Options, Gradebook Configuration Options, and various functions and tasks you can run for your school's gradebooks.

Configuration Parameters
Here is a detailed list of these options and their functionality:

Grading Related Options


Show "Update all Grades" link on Post Grades Screen

This controls whether a teacher has the "One Click" ability to update a student's Report Card grade based on the Gradebook grade.
Allow "Update all Grades" link on Post Grades Screen to update Final Grade

This allows the "One Click" ability to update a student's Report Card Final Grade based on Gradebook final grade.

Show Gradebook Projected Final Grade
This option controls whether the GB final grade is displayed on the "Post Grades" screen.
Show District Projected Final Grade
This option controls whether the School's Rpt Card FG is displayed on the "Post Grades" screen.
Calculate Projected Final Grade using posted MP grades and gradebook grades
If this option is set to yes, then the projected final grade will be calculated using posted MP grades and the Gradebooks grades that have not been posted. Any grade below the minimum will be automatically converted to minimum grade for the MP.
On Post Grades screen for alpha grading, display QP's calculated for final grade projection
Show the "1.0->4.0" Quality Points for the projected final grade on the Gradebook->Post Grades screen
Treat a Trimester course like a Cycle course (Trimester courses will include all assignments in grade calculation)
If set to Yes, this option will have the gradebook calculate trimester course grades based on all grades in a gradebook. (Ex. T1 course grade would be based on all assignments from MP1 and MP2).  Trimester courses - courses that only last a Trimester and have "semester codes" of T1, T2 or T3 - overlap with the 4 standard MPs (but do not match up exactly with any MP):








In the Gradebook, all of a Trimester course section's assignments appear on each of the MP tabs they overlap with in the Gradebook.  Assignments are not 
"segregated by MP" the way they are in normal FY classes.
Treat a Semester course like a Cycle course (Semester courses will include all assignments in grade calculation):
If set to Yes, this option will have the gradebook calculate semester course grades based on all grades in a gradebook. (Ex. S1 course grade would be based on all assignments from MP1 and MP2).   Courses with semester codes of S1 or S2 each match up with two Marking Period tabs in the Gradebook.   S1 sections match up with MP1 & MP2 and S2 sections match up with MP3 & MP4:







If this parameter is set to Yes, course sections with semester codes of S1 and S2 will show all their Assignments on either/both of their MP tabs in the Gradebook.  The MP Average will be the same on both tabs, calculated from using all Assignments created for the course section.  Assignments will be not 
"segregated by MP" the way they are in normal FY classes (or this option is set to "No").
Show 'Update All Subject Grades' button on Elem. Post Grades Screen
When using the Elementary Grading module, and posting MP grades on the Elementary Grading Post Grades screen, show an "Update All Subject Grades" button.  The Gradebook MP Average for each elementary course section are posted to the appropriate Subject.
Allow Marking Period and Final grades to be changed for the previous school year (2023-24)

Allow teachers to configure which grade to push when clicking 'Update all Grades'
If this is set to Yes, then a new option will appear for the teachers in their profiles Preference screen. The field that will appear is "The 'Update all Grades' link will push this Grading Type". 
Show merged gradebooks on Post Grades screen
If you switch this to Yes, then students from gradebooks merged with the selected course will appear on the Gradebook -> Post Grades and will be able to be graded
Letter grade to post when a student's Exam is marked 'Exempt'
Allows the school to select a letter grade that will post when the teachers hit Update All Grades and an exam is marked as exempt.
Allow Assignments to be a fixed percentage towards the MP GradeThis option is only available in gradebooks that calculate their MP grades using Total Points. By checking this potion, an assignment will be able to be configured to be worth a fixed percentage of the MP Grade.  Allow teachers to specify that an Assignment - a single Assignment -is a specific % of the MP grade.  For example, if a term paper is worth 40% of MP3 (say).
Minimum percentage of an Assignment grade.The minimum percentage of an Assignment's points that can be given for any Assignment.  For example, if an Assignment is worth 100 points, and the "minimum percentage of Assignment grade" is set to 55%, the student receives 55% of the 100 points - in this case, 55 points.  The teacher cannot give less than 55%, the 'minimum'.

Gradebook Configuration Options

Show * Extra Credit * category for assignments
This option will suppress the * Extra Credit * category on the Add and Modify assignment screens.  "*Extra Credit" appears at the bottom of the "Category" drop down.  "*Extra Credit" here means to brute force change a students Marking Period Average - directly adding or subtracting points from the MP Average after the MP Average is calculated by the normal method.
Allow School Assignments to be propagated to be propagated to gradebooks.All 'school assignments' created on the Gradebook->School Setup->School Assignments screen to be pushed out to teacher Gradebooks.
Default value for 'Display note on Student Data -> Notes screen'
If this is set to Yes, then the check box for 'Display note on Student Data -> Notes screen' on the Student Note screen will be defaulted to checked when adding a new note.
Marking Period Grade Calculations methods available in <school name>Administrators here select which "marking period grade/average" calculations are available to choose in the Gradebook Profiles in the named school (school selected in the screen header).  The options are:  Category Weights and Total Points, Total Points, Category Weights.   That is, Profiles can other only a single option or both options.  
Default Grade Calculation method for Exams in <school name>Specify how school-level exams (MidTerms, Finals): that have multiple sections are to be calculated in the gradebooks in the named school (school selected in the screen header).  The options include:

Earned Points/Attempted Points  (straight division by points)

Exam Section Weighting Percentages (weighted sections)

Earned Points/Total Exam Sections (either)

Assignment Grade Types available in <School Name>Select which of the "Grading Types" available for Gradebook assignments are shown to teachers in the named school (the school currently showing in the screen header).  Administrators can decide to include/exclude assignment grading types (e.g. O-S-U, Pass/Fail...)
Only show marking periods that a course is graded in
This option controls what marking periods are displayed for a gradebook. If this is checked, only marking periods where the gradebook gives a grade will be displayed for the gradebook.
Default Student Name FormatThis is the format for student names displaying in the GB.  Eight different name format options are available.  E.g. Last Name, First Name Middle Initial.   Smith, Kevin R.
Display Bell Period on Teacher Schedule (Summary and Calendar)If yes, the bell period is shown on teacher schedules in the gradebook.
Allow Teachers to create Class MessagesClass Messages are the new message scheme that allows teachers to post "Messages" on the Parent Portal's new "Family Calendar" screen.  Messages also appear on teacher's Course Pages.  When this is set to Yes, a "Create Class Message" appears in the list of Quick Links on the Gradebook->Gradebook spreadsheet screen and a "Messages" tab appears as one the 3rd level tabs on that screen.

Parent/Student Module Options

All assignments created by a teacher should be for Parents Module.This option controls the "For Parents" flag when assignments are created. If this is set to Yes, then all assignments are marked for Parents Module and the teacher will not be able to overwrite this.
Allow teachers to hide assignment grades in Parents ModuleWhen this is set to Yes teachers have a "Show Grades to Parents " parameter in each assignment.  This allows student grades to be hidden even though the Assignment itself is visible in the parent/student module. This allows teachers to hide student grades until they given all students a grade for the Assignment.  By selecting Yes, this will allow teachers to hide assignment grades from parents even though the assignment is being shown in the Parents Module.
Allow teachers to post comments to Parents Module
This option allows teachers to post comments to the Parents Module from the Grade Assignment screen.
Automatically make assignments available to Parents if all students have a grade (Runs nightly)This option enables a Genesis process that runs nightly in the System Maintenance.  This process goes through all assignments in teacher's gradebooks.  Each assignment is analyzed and checked to see if all students have been given an assignment grade or flagged with a special grade (ie. Absent).  If so, the assignment will be updated to be shown in parents module.

Attendance Options

Display comments from Daily AttendanceIF this is set to Yes, comments a staff member has made on the Daily Attendance screen will be displayed on the Gradebook's Class Attendance screen.
Display comments from Parent Attendance NotesIf this is set to Yes, comments a parent has made on their "attendance notes" will be displayed on the Gradebook's Class Attendance screen.
Class Attendance total to show on Post Grades screenThis option allows you to show the Current Marking Period attendance or both the Current Marking Period and Year to Date attendance totals.
Allow attendance to be taken on Past datesIf this is set to No, then teachers in the Gradebook will not be allowed to (re-)take attendance for past dates.
Allow attendance to be taken on Future datesIf this is set to No, then teachers in the Gradebook will not be allowed to take attendance for future dates.

Discipline Options

These apply when teachers have the permissions to create conduct incidents for students via the Gradebook->Student->Conduct screen.

Require student incident DescriptionWhen the teacher creates a discipline incident for a student on the Gradebook->Student->Conduct screen the "Description" field must be filled in.
Actions display for discipline actionThis controls how or if the actions for Student Discipline incidents are displayed on the Gradebook.Gradebook.Student.Discipline screen.  Once a Disciplinarian has reviewed an incident created by a teacher in the Gradebook, this controls whether or not the teacher's Conduct screen is ever updated with the "Action" given for the incident.  Options include: 'Do not show any action information', 'Show that an action has been performed' (but not what action), and 'Show the specific actions taken'.
Allow teachers to post comments to Parents Module
This option allows teachers to post comments to the Parents Module from the Grade Assignment screen.


Staff Signature Text Options

Text to appear above teacher IEP signature boxThe text appearing in this field will appear above the teacher signature box when signing an IEP.  
Text to appear above teacher I&RS signature boxhis text will appear above the teacher signature box when signing an I&RS.
Text to appear above teacher 504 signature box
his text will appear above the teacher signature box when signing a 504
Text to appear above teacher IHP signature boxhis text will appear above the teacher signature box when signing an IHP

Turnstile Options

Have a popup appear for teachers when one of their students has checked into or out of a turnstile event
Set this to yes to allow for the popup.  Teachers will be shown a popup whenever a student in the class currently displayed on the Gradebook->Gradebook spreadsheet screen checks into or out of a Turnstile Event.
Allow teachers to update students location for Turnstile events
This allows teachers to update a students location based on events setup for the gradebook.  Teachers can do this for any Turnstile Event marked "For Gradebook".  Teachers can directly place a student into a Turnstile Event or check them out of a Turnstile Event. 
Allowed minutes for a Turnstile EventIf this is non-blank, when a teacher places a student directly into a Turnstile Event (e.g. Bathroom), a "Checkout Time" is also automatically posted - the appears to immediately have both "Check-In" and "Check-out" records for the selected Turnstile Event.  This one time applies equally to all Turnstile Events available to teachers.   When a checkin is created in the gradebook, this is the amount of time until a student is automatically checked out. Set to 0 if you do not want the students to be automatically checked out.

Document Management Options

Allow document upload for assignments from Parents/Student Module
If this is set to Yes, and the parameter below is also set to a Document Management DocType, the Create/Modify Assignment screen will contain an "Allow documents from Parent/Student module" parameter.  If the parameter is checked, students will be able to upload files into the Assignment - that is, they will be able to turn in work.
Document Type for Gradebook Documents
This selects a Document Management DocType that is flagged "For Gradebook".  This makes it possible for teachers to upload "Curriculum Documents" and to enable students to upload files into Assignments as controlled by the parameter above.   The Document Management DocType must be marked as a "course section" document type to appear in list of Document Types appearing in this drop down.

Gradebook Function and Action Tasks

There are tools and functions you can run for Gradebooks, if applicable, via Gradebook>School Setup>Maintenance>Gradebook Maintenance.

Gradebook Initialization Tools

These are "start of School" tools for initializing Gradebooks prior to teachers having access.

Initialize Gradebooks
You can initialize any gradebooks that have not yet been accessed by teachers in (School Name.)  This should be done right before teachers are given access to Gradebooks at the start of the school year.  It creates all Gradebooks in an orderly fashion.  A Gradebook is created for each "Course Section" listed in the courseSubsection table that has at least 1 ACTIVE student.
Update Grade Calculations to the School Default
This function will update every gradebook to the schools default calculation percentages in (School Name).   This updates the "Final Grade" calculation in each Gradebook in (school Name) to the formula specified in the Grading module on the Grading->Setup->Calculations screen.

Student Update Functions

Update Student Names to the Default Student Name Format
Sets the name of every student in every Gradebook to the setting selected in the "Student Name Format" parameter described in the above parameter list.  The parameter is in the "Gradebook Configuration Options" section of parameters.
Update Student Emails in the Gradebook to the email address from the Student Contact
This function will update the student emails in all gradebooks to the email address from the Student Contact for (School Name.)
This function will drop students from gradebooks in (School Name) who are active but not scheduled into the course. If the gb status date is before the start of school, the student will be deleted from the gradebook.
This function is designed to clean out "Dropped students" from any Gradebooks that currently exist.  It is generally used right before the start of school to clean up from late schedule changes.   If it is before the start of school, the students are completely deleted from the Gradebooks as if they were never in the class.   If it is after the start of school, the function merely changes those students' status from ACTIVE to DROPPED.
This function will hide dropped students from gradebooks in (School Name.)
This function hides all students with a status of DROPPED from the Gradebooks' spreadsheet screen. The students remain on the Gradebook's Roster screen with a status of DROPPED (they appear at the bottom of the list).

Assignment Update Functions

The functions in this section change parameters in every Assignment (in the currently selected school).

Update Assignments to Show in Parents Module
This function will update every assignment in every Gradebook in (School Name) to show in the Parents/Students Module.

Teacher Profile Update Functions

The functions in this section update settings in all Gradebook Profiles (in the currently selected school).

Update Teacher Profiles to default the For Parents flag to Yes
This function will update every profile in (School Name) to default the 'For Parents' flag to Yes on assignment creation
Update 'Default Spreadsheet' for Teachers
This function will update the 'Default Spreadsheet' for every teacher to (Selection in Dropdown)
Update 'Display Earned/Attempted Totals' in Teacher Profiles
This function will update every profile in (School Name) to set the 'Display Earned/Attempted Totals' to (Selection in Dropdown)
Update 'Show Student Average in Parents' in Teacher Profiles
This function will update every profile in Genesis High School to set the 'Show Student Average in Parents' to (Selection in Dropdown)
Update 'Display Student MP Averages' in Teacher Profiles
This function will update every profile in (School Name) to set the 'Display Student MP Averages' to (selection)
Update 'Display Assignment Overall Grade' in Teacher Profiles
This function will update every profile in (School Name) to set the 'Display Assignment Overall Grade' to (selection)
Update 'Dropped Grade' field for Teacher Profiles
This function will update every profile in (School Name) to set the 'Dropped Grade' to (selection)
Update Teacher Profiles to hide user icons
This function will update every profile in (School Name) to set the 'Hide User Icons for Students' parameter to (selection).  It updates the field to whatever value is selected - it does not force icons to be hidden unless "Yes" is selected.
Update Teacher Profiles so 'Display IEP Icon for students' flag is set to Yes
This function will update every profile in (School Name) to default the 'Display IEP Icon for students' flag to Yes. Can be used after hiding all icons to make IEP icons visible.
Update Teacher Profiles so 'Display 504 Icon for students' flag is set to YesThis function will update every profile in (School Name) to default the 'Display 504 Icon for students' flag to Yes. Can be used after hiding all icons to make 504 icons visible.  
Update Teacher Profiles so 'Display Medical Icons for students' flag is set to Yes
This function will update every profile in (School Name) to default the 'Display Medical Icons for students' flag to Yes.  Can be used after hiding all icons to make Medical icons visible. 

Grading Update Functions

Recalculate Assignment and Marking Period GradesThis function will recalculate all assignment and MP grades in gradebooks for Genesis High School. This should be used if a new profile is pushed out to teachers with different Grade Values.  Note that a Gradebook is automatically recalculated to the settings in its current Profile every time a user/teacher opens its Gradebook->Gradebook spreadsheet screen.
Recalculate Incomplete/Missing Grades in Marking PeriodThis function will recalculate any assignment grade that is flagged as incomplete or missing for (Marking Period selection). This should be used if the missing or incomplete percentage has been changed in the school profile.
Update Assignment Grades to Minimum Percentage in (School Name)This updates any Assignment grade that is currently below the minimum allowable percentage to that percentage.

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