Special Ed Import

Modified on Thu, Jun 29, 2023 at 10:03 AM

Spec Ed Import

Genesis Special Education Import (or GSI - Click here for Specification) imports Special Ed data for students into the Genesis system. Genesis accepts data for any of the following categories.

Referral and Reevaluation data – Genesis stores a row in its database for each referral and subsequent reevaluation of a student. 

IEP data – Genesis stores a row in its database for each annual review period of a student's IEP.  Every time an IEP Begin date changes, a new row is created.

Related Service – Genesis stores a row in its database for each Related Service of a given type for a student for a given school year.

IEP PDF Documents - Genesis can store the IEP PDF for individual students.  Doc Management in Genesis must be enabled.  A Document Type flagged as IEP must also exist in Doc Mgt system.

504 PDF Documents - Genesis can store the 504 PDF for individual students.  Doc Management in Genesis must be enabled.  A Document Type flagged as 504 must also exist in Doc Mgt system.

Accommodations Record - Genesis stores a row in its database for each Accommodations Record for a student for a given school year.

Getting Started:

The first thing you need to do after the GSI has been implemented in your district is configure the task in the Genesis Scheduler.  This can be found in the CORE > SCHEDULER screen of Genesis.

Scroll you way down until you see a row for "Special Ed Import".  To activate the task, you will need to have the checkbox on the far left of the row checked.  On the right of the row you will want to fill in when and how often you want the GSI to run. 

When scheduling, remember that an asterisk * represents to always run, hours should be entered in Military time, and you may include commas to separate multiple values in the run time as well.  For example if you would like to run your task every day at 11:30am and 9:30pm you would use:

You will also need to fill in the properties page for GSI.  To access the properties, click on the icon on the far right of the "Special Ed Import" row.

Here you will need to specify which files you will be reading in for import into Genesis.  You will need to specify the file location and file name for each file you intend to import.  Leave the field blank if you do not intend to import a particular file.

Beneath the Related Service line you will see an option for "Purge existing Related Service records for Student on Import".  If checked, the GSI will always delete a student's existing Related Service records in Genesis prior to importing new records found in the import file.  You may choose to exempt Transportation records from this purge.  Only students included in the import file will be affected.

You may also fill in an E-mail address to which you would like to mail the log files every time an import is attempted.  THIS IS HIGHLY RECOMMENDED.  In order for an email to be sent you must make sure your email server is properly configured in Genesis.  You can do so from the CORE > E-MAIL tab in Genesis.

There is also an option to run the imports in test mode only.  This will allow you to generate the log files for an import without actually importing any data into Genesis.  It is recommended you run in test mode until you are comfortable with the process.

Understanding the IMPORT

Data found in the import file is not blindly imported in Genesis.  Data that does not pass the GSI validation tests will be logged and eliminated from the import process.  It is important that you check your logs for validation errors every day. 

All validations errors will be reported in the log file indicating the row number, the student's id, and the validation error caused by the record.  You will need to correct the data in your master application/database that is creating the GSI import file.

See the GSI Import Specification Guide for more information on validation.

Rule for Importing

Once GSI has been implemented it is crucial to understand that Genesis will NO LONGER be the master repository of Special Ed Data.  Data in Genesis will be deleted and overwritten by information passed in by the GSI.  Therefore, no Special Ed data should be entered directly in Genesis.

In order to ensure that no data is written into Genesis, you should enable the option to make all Genesis Special Ed screens READ ONLY.  This can be done from the SETUP > SCHOOL > CHOOSE SCHOOL > BASIC PARAMETERS > Disable Special Ed data editing in this school: (checked).

IEP Data Import rules

GSI scans the import file and orders all IEPS it finds by student, by IEP Begin date starting with the student's earliest IEP record.

Working with this earliest record, GSI will first look for any existing IEP in Genesis whose IEP Begin Date and End Date overlap with this new record.  If it finds one, it will cap the IEP End date of the exiting record with the day prior to the new IEP Begin date.

For example, if a new IEP is passed into GSI with an IEP Begin Date of 09/30/2010 but there already exists an IEP in Genesis with an IEP Begin Date of 06/30/2010 and IEP End Date of 06/30/2011, then that records existing IEP End date would be capped.  The result would be that the existing record now shows an IEP Start Date of 06/30/2010 with an IEP End Date of 08/31/2010 (the day before the new record).

Next, GSI will delete any existing IEPs in Genesis with an IEP Begin Date greater to or equal the IEP Begin Date of the passed in record.  These deleted records will simply be replaced by this, and any other IEP's passed into GSI.

The recommended method for GSI is to always pass in the complete history of IEP's into Genesis with every file.  If you do not, you risk losing student data in the Genesis database.

Referral / Evaluation Import rules

GSI scans the import file and order all records by student starting with the student earliest records.  Starting with the student's earliest record in the GSI import file, Genesis looks for any student records in Genesis with a referral/evaluation that took place after this record.  If it finds one, that Genesis record is deleted and replaced with the passed in GSI record.

The recommended method for GSI is to always pass in the complete history of Referrals and Evaluations into Genesis with every file.  If you do not, you risk losing student data in the Genesis database.

Related Services

Genesis imports Related Services from the GSI import file replacing any existing Related Services of that type, for the current school year, with the new record.

If the "Purge existing Related Service records for Student on Import" option has been setup in your system, then GSI will always delete a student's existing Related Service records in Genesis regardless of type.  If you would like to exempt Transportation services from the purge, then select the "Exempt Transportation records from this Purge" option.

The recommended method for GSI is to always pass in the complete history Related Services for a school year into Genesis with every file.  If you do not, you risk losing student data in the Genesis database. 

IEP PDF Document Import

Genesis will import a PDF IEP for an individual student and mark that document as the students IEP.  Document will automatically be linked to students IEP folder icon.  Any existing document marked as the student's IEP will be deleted from the system upon import.

504 PDF Document Import

Genesis will import a PDF 504 for an individual student and mark that document as the students 504.  Document will automatically be linked to students 504 folder icon.  Any existing document marked as the student's 504 will be deleted from the system upon import.



Q: I received an error that Special Ed Referral and Reevaluation Import skipped record for ID 123 on line 22.  Not enough data passed to create record"  What does this mean exactly?

A: At a minimum a row must contain at least one of the following fields in order to be imported:

Referral Date, Initial Parental Consent, Eligibility Determination, Reevaluation Date, or Initial IEP Meeting


Q: Does the Special Ed Import update the student "Designated Special Ed" flag? How does it decide when to do that and which students to update?

A: Yes, the spec ed import has the ability to update the "Special Ed?" setting on the student Demographics page, as long as one of these options are enabled on the import task:

If adjusting based on the student having an IEP or Referral record - - The student must have an IEP in the IEP import file, with no exit date included OR The student must have a Referral record in the Evaluations file, with the eligibility status as either "In Process" or "Is Eligible for Special Ed".

If adjusting based on only the student having an IEP - -   The student must have an IEP in the IEP import file, that has NOT been exited.

Genesis will set the student's Special Ed flag to "Yes" in both cases here. If the student's latest IEP is exited, Genesis will set their Special Ed flag to "No" by the import. 

Q: Case managers are not coming over.  Where should I fix this?

A: The case manager ID has to match the local Staff ID within Genesis.  Make sure the ID in your IEP program matches the local Staff ID that is in Genesis for the staff member.


Q:  A student has been declassified. However, their IEP is no longer being included in the import, so they are still showing an Active IEP in Genesis. What happened?

A:  Certain IEP software vendors will no longer send data to Genesis after 30 days following the student's special ed exit date. Be sure to exit your students (within the IEP system) in a timely manner. If an exit date of 30 days ago was applied to the student within your IEP system, this may be preventing their IEP from being sent to Genesis. 


Q:  Does the "...uncheck all accommodations when IEP is exited..." setting apply to students who are exited, but not being sent to Genesis in the Special Ed Import?

A:  No, the student's information must be in the IEP file being send to Genesis, with the IEP marked as exited from special ed. The task cannot automatically uncheck all accommodations for students not in the import files. Otherwise, the task would make it impossible to manually enable accommodations for non-IEP students. 



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