- Global Settings
- Activities and Awards
- Athletics
- All Grades Listing
- Cumulative
- Attendance
- Basic Skills Tests
- Boxed Grades and GPAs
- Community Service
- Demographics and Address
- GPAs
- Previous Schools
- District, School and Transcript Information
- SAT Test Scores
- SAT II Test Scores
- Test Scores
- Assessment Scores
- Grade School Key
Global Settings
Field / Macro | Description |
GPA_NUMBER_FORMAT | Override the formatting of all macros that print out a GPA. The default formatting of GPAs is 0.0000. Place the number format in the option field. If format is less decimals than 4, add an R at the end to round the result. Ex. 0.00R |
CREDITS_NUMBER_FORMAT | Override the formatting of all macros that print out Credits. The default formatting of GPAs is 0.000. Place the number format in the option field |
BOXES_PER_PAGE | Override the default 4 transcript boxes per page limit. Place the new value in the option field. |
Activities and Awards
Activities for students are entered in the Student Data.Modify Student.Activities screen. There can be one free form text entry per school year and grade level. Awards for students are entered in the Student Data.Modify Student.Awards screen. The drop down on the screen will contain both activities and awards so you can use this screen for either. There can be multiple awards/activities entry per school year and grade level.
Field / Macro | Example Output | Note |
ACTIVITY_x_SCHOOL_YEAR | 2010-11 | |
ACTIVITY_x_TEXT | Chess Club | Can use SPLIT option to break into multiple lines if no Carriage Returns exist in Activity text |
ACTIVITY_ALL | 2010-11 Grade: 12 Chess Club 2010-11 Grade: 12 Top Chef | |
AWARD_x_SCHOOL_YEAR | 2010-11 | |
AWARD_x_DESCRIPTION | Student of the Month |
Activity macros for displaying participation in sports and clubs based on the Student Data -> Athletics and the Student Data -> Clubs screen.
Only records that have participated flagged are included on the transcript.
Make sure that you flag the Activity (Sport or Club) for Print On Transcript in each school year.
Field / Macro | Example Output | Option | Note |
ATHLETICS_x_SPORT | Football or Chess Club | Text comes the Setup.Districts.Activities screen for the school year. | |
ATHLETICS_x_SEASON | Spring | Text comes from the School Attendance Cycle for that season in the given school year. | |
ATHLETICS_x_SCHOOL_YEAR | 2024-25 | ||
ATHLETICS_x_LEVEL | Varsity | Membership | Text comes from Setup>District->Activities->Levels. If Membership is entered into the Option field, then the membership type will appear next to the level. Ex. Varsity Captain or Club President |
ATHLETICS_x_MEMBERSHIP | Captain | Returns the membership assigned to the student for the sport |
All Grades Listing
These macros will allow you to print any of the transcript grades in a straight list (No boxes). The grades are stored in school year, grade order.
Field / Macro | Example Output | Note |
COURSE_DESCRIPTION_x | English 101 | |
GRADE_LEVEL_x | 10 | |
EARNED_CREDITS_x | 4.125 | |
ADJUSTED_CREDIT_REASON_x | Attendance Failure |
Field / Macro | Example Output | Note |
TOT_EARNED_CREDIT_ALL_BOXES | 280.00 | Total of all Earned Credits displayed in all boxes |
ALL_BOXES_ATTEMPTED_CREDITS | 280.00 | Total of all Attempted Credits for all boxes |
Daily Attendance
Note: There are two ways to calculate attendance totals for transcripts. Either method allows for the total to specify 'Excused' and/or 'Unexcused' absences from school:
Method 1: Displaying attendance that is stored in the Student Transcript Attendance table, which contains only attendance totals, not daily attendance for individual dates. This means the macro's below display based on the totals calculated only when the Update Transcript Attendance Totals tool is run from the Transcript>Print screen. This is beneficial so that the attendance totals for that year never change again, preserving a snapshot of the totals for each school year.
Field / Macro | Sample Output | Notes |
STA_UNEXCUSED_ABSENCES_x | 7 | see above. |
STA_UNEXCUSED_TARDIES_x | 2 | Replace X with grade level |
STA_UNEXCUSED_ABSENCES_BOXn | 5 | Replace N with box number |
BOXb_STA_TOTAL_ABSENCES | 12 | Replace b with box number |
Method 2 (recommended): Displaying live attendance totals, meaning the totals you see are being calculated right when the transcript is printed. When the system derives this information, it's constantly referencing the student's actual attendance records from each school year, allowing for more accurate totals.
Field / Macro | Sample Output | Notes |
BOXb_ATT_ALL_ABSENCES | 6 | All unexcused and excused absences for the year. These values are calculated at time of transcript printing from the Attendance Dailies table. |
BOXb_ATT_ALL_TARDIES | 11 | All excused tardies for the year. These values are pulled from the Transcript Attendance table. This table can be updated from the Transcript Print Screen. |
Basic Skills Tests
Basic Skills Tests such as GEPA and HSPA. Data is entered in the Student Data.Modify Student.Basic Skills.Testing screen. It is better to use the Test Scores macros; they will print all types of test scores in one list.
Field / Macro | Example Output | Note |
BASIC_SKILLS_x_NAME | High School Proficiency Test | |
BASIC_SKILLS_x_YEAR | 2008 | |
Boxed Grades and GPAs
There are four boxes on most Transcripts. Each one is filled with grades and has a GPA / Credits summary at the bottom.
These macros are used to fill that data in. Each box represents grades for a given grade and year. There can be 4 boxes. The variable b represents the box number.
Field / Macro | Example Output | Note |
BOXb_HOMEROOM_TEACHER | Smith, Jane | Displays the homeroom teacher for the student in the year of the box. |
BOXb_SCHOOL_YEAR | 2008-09 | |
BOXb_TRANSFER_FROM | Another High School, USA | This is the previous school code that is stored on the Grade. If there is any text on the option of the field, this text will come before the school name. The name of the school is looked up from the generic codes table "PREVIOUS_SCHOOLS". |
BOXb_EARNED_CREDITS_TOTAL | 35.00 | Earned credits are calculated off of the grades that are printed on the transcript. Use OPTION |
BOXb_CURRENT_AND_PRIOR_BOXES_CUM_EARNED_CREDITS | 75.00 | Earned credits are calculated off of the grades that are printed on the transcript. This total will include the grades in box b as well as the grades from all previous boxes. Use OPTION |
BOXb_ATTEMPTED_CREDITS_TOTAL | 35.00 | Attempted credits are calculated off of the grades that are printed on the transcript. Use OPTION |
BOXb_GPA | 4.2000 | The GPA record that has a code of the this box's school year is printed. Any text in the OPTION is prepended to the gpa code. Ex: if the option is W, then W2024-25 might be used as the GPA. |
BOXb_GPA2 | 4.2000 | Uses the GPA record that has a code equal to the box's abbreviated school year. Abbreviated school year drops the first two digits from the school year. 2009-10 would be abbreviated 09-10. Any text in the OPTION box is appended to GPA code. Ex: if option is S1, then 24-25S1 might be used as the GPA. |
BOXb_GPA3 | 4.2000 | The GPA record that has a code of the this box's school year is printed. Any text in the OPTION is appended to the gpa code. Ex: if the option is W, then 2024-25W might be used as the GPA. |
BOXb_GPA4 | 4.2000 | Uses the GPA record that has a code equal to the box's abbreviated school year. Abbreviated school year drops the first two digits from the school year and removes the dash. Ex: "2024-25" would be abbreviated as "2425". Any text in the OPTION box is prepended to the GPA code. Ex: If option had "W" then 2425W might be used as the GPA. |
BOXb_GPA5 | 4.2000 | Uses the GPA record that has a code equal to the box's abbreviated school year. Drops the first two digits from the school year (ex: 2024-25 becomes 24-25). Any text in the OPTION box is prepended to GPA code. Ex: If option is U, then U2024-25 might be used as the GPA. |
BOXb_GPA6 | 4.2000 | Uses the GPA record that has a code equal to the box's abbreviated school year. Ex: "2024-25" becomes "24-25". Any text in the OPTION box is prepended to GPA code. Ex: if option is FY, then FY24-25 might be used as the GPA. |
BOXb_GPA_FORMAT | 4.13 | The GPA record that has a code of the this box's school year is printed. Place a number in the OPTION BOX to signify how many decimal places you wish to appear (default is 4) |
BOXb_RANK | 12 | The GPA record that has a code of the this box's school year is printed. |
BOXb_CLASSSIZE | 350 | The GPA record that has a code of the this box's school year is printed. |
BOXb_SUM_GPA_BY_SCHOOLYEAR | 5.0000 | The GPA Record that has a type of SUM and the School Year is the same as the school year in this box. |
BOXb_SUM_GPA_EARNED_CREDITS_BY_SCHOOLYEAR | 3.4530 | The GPA Record that has a type of SUM and the School Year is the same as the school year in this box. |
BOXb_SUM_GPA_RANK_BY_SCHOOLYEAR | 12 | The GPA Record that has a type of SUM and the School Year is the same as the school year in this box. |
BOXb_SUM_GPA_CLASSSIZE_BY_SCHOOLYEAR | 12 | The GPA Record that has a type of SUM and the School Year is the same as the school year in this box. |
BOXb_COURSE_DESC_AND_ORIG_SCHOOL_NAME_LINE_x | EN101-English 101 (Genesis High School) | |
BOXb_COURSE_DESCRIPTION_LINE_x | English 101 | Enter If If KEY is added in as an option, then (*x) will appear next to course where x is equal to a unique number code representing where the grade came form. You may print the names of the schools using the macro KEY_x_NAME. |
BOXb_COURSE_DESCRIPTION_WITH_FLAGS_LINE_x | English 101(H) | If the course is an honors or AP course; (H) or (AP) will print next to the name. (DCC) for dual credit course. Enter Enter If KEY is added in as an option, then (*x) will appear next to course where x is equal to a unique number code representing where the grade came form. You may print the names of the schools using the macro KEY_x_NAME. |
BOXb_COURSE_FLAGS_LINE_x | H | Prints the Flags for a course. H=Honors AP=Advanced Placment and CP = College Prep |
BOXb_COURSE_LEVEL_CODE_LINE_x | H | Prints the Course Level Code field for a course. |
BOXb_COURSE_SEMESTER_LINE_x | H | Prints the semester code for a course. |
BOXb_CODEANDESCRIPTION_WITH_FLAGS_LINE_x | EN101-English 101(H) | If the course is an honors or AP course; (H) or (AP) will print next to the name. |
BOXb_ALPHA_GRADE_LINE_x | B+ | *Use OPTION *Add SHOWNC Prints an "NC" in place of grade if adjusted credit record exists SHOWNC EXC:code Prints "NC" unless reason code of adj credit is code |
BOXb_ALPHA_OR_UNWEIGHTED_NUMERIC_GRADE_LINE_x | A+ 98 | Displays the alpha grade for the course. If there is no alpha grade for course, the unweighted numeric grade will be displayed instead. Does not display both grades. *The above OPTIONS should work with this macro as well. |
BOXb_EARNED_CREDITS_LINEV2_x | 2.5000 | Same as above; but pulls the information from the Student Adjusted Credits table. This feature is NOT needed; the previous macro should be used instead. |
BOXb_ATTEMPTED_CREDITS_LINEV2_x | 2.5000 | Same as above; but pulls the information from the Student Adjusted Credits table. This feature is NOT needed; the previous macro should be used instead. |
EARNED_CREDITS_FROM_GRADES | 225.25 | Totals the credits from all the grades on the student's transcript. If you enter ONLY_PRIOR_YEARS as an option, then only grades from years prior to the current school year will be added into the earned credit count. |
Community Service
Field / Macro | Example Output | Note |
COMMUNITY_SERVICE_HOURS | Community Service Hours: 12 | Will display total approved community service hours for student. You may alter leading text with option field. |
Demographics and Address
These are macros that are based on the student record and their address records. If the district is converted to Contacts2, the macros will adjust accordingly.
Field / Macro | Example Output | Note |
ADDRESS_BLOCK | Parent/Guardian of Doe, John | From Mailing Address USE OPTION: PREFERRED_NAME to display student's preferred name. Add MAILING anywhere the option text to use Mailing Address instead of Physical |
ADDRESS_BLOCK2 | Mrs. Jane Doe | From the LR Address Record. Add MAILING anywhere the option text to use Mailing Address instead of Physical |
ADDRESS_BLOCK3 | Parent/Guardian of | From the LR Address Record if Contacts1 / Mailing Address if Contacts 2 USE OPTION: PREFERRED_NAME to display student's preferred name. Add MAILING anywhere the option text to use Mailing Address instead of Physical |
ADDRESS_BLOCK4 | Doe, John | Student name and Mailing Address USE OPTION: PREFERRED_NAME to display student's preferred name. Add MAILING anywhere the option text to use Mailing Address instead of Physical |
ADDRESS_BLOCK5 | 1515 Mockingbird Lane | From the LR Address Record / if Contacts1 / Mailing Address if Contacts 2 Add MAILING anywhere the option text to use Mailing Address instead of Physical |
ADDRESS_BLOCK6 | Mr and Mrs. John Doe | From the LR Address Record. The name comes from the "Mailing Name" field of the address / if Contacts1 / Mailing Address if Contacts 2 Add MAILING anywhere the option text to use Mailing Address instead of Physical |
ADDRESS_HORIZONTAL | 1515 Mockingbird Lane, Somewhere, NJ 08000 | From the LR Address Record / if Contacts1 / Mailing Address if Contacts 2 |
BIRTH_PLACE | From Student.birthPlaceState or birthPlaceCountry. If state is blank - country is shown | |
CLASS_OF | 2010 | |
ADDRESS_LR_MAILING_NAME | Address name | The value comes from the "Mailing Name" field on the LR (Guardian 1) Address. Uses G1 full name if no Mailing Name has been entered. |
CONTACT_HOME_NAME | Mrs. Jane Doe | The value comes from the "Contact Name" field of the Home Contact of the LR Address / Guardian1 if Contacts2 |
CONTACT_HOME_PHONE | (732) 555-1212 | The value comes from the "Phone Number" field of the Home Contact of the LR Address / Guardian1 if Contacts2 |
COUNSELOR_NAME | Mr. John Counselor | |
COUNSELOR_NAME2 | John Counselor | First Last |
COUNSELOR_EMAIL | This value can be found on the Setup.District.Params.Teachers.Modify screen for your counselors. | |
GRADUATION_DATE | 06/30/2009 | enter |
HIGH_SCHOOL_ENTRY_DATE | 09/04/2003 | |
ORIGINAL_SCHOOL_ENTRY_DATE | 09/04/1999 | Entry in current School |
DISTRICT_ENTRY_DATE | 09/04/1999 | |
STUDENT_DATE_OF_BIRTH | 02/17/1995 | |
STUDENT_ID | 0000001 | |
STATE_STUDENT_ID | 1234567890 | |
STUDENT_PICTURE | Displays the student photo from the demographics page. The width of the image (in pixels) is stored in the width field. The height should be placed in the option field. | |
STUDENT_NAME | (Birth/Legal name) John E. Doe | Add FML as option to add the student's middle name and suffix |
STUDENT_NAME2 | (Birth/Legal name) John Doe | First Last name |
STUDENT_PREFERRED_NAME | John E. Doe | Add FML as option to add the student's middle name and suffix |
STUDENT_PREFERRED_NAME2 | John Doe | First Last name |
STUDENT_PREFERRED_GENDER | M | This will produce the student gender from the demographics screen. The current macro shows the birth/legal gender of the student. You may include "DESCRIPTION" into he option box to print the genders description rather than the code (e.g. Female instead of F). |
STUDENT_SSN | 123-45-6789 | |
WITHDRAWAL_DATE | 02/17/2003 | |
STUDENT_USER_TEXT | Place UserText Code in option box to display UserText value | |
MERIT_ALL_YEAR_TOTAL | 40.0 | Total Merit Points All Years |
STUDENT_RESIDENT_DISTRICT_NAME | Genesis High School | Returns the school from a students resident district tracking record |
SCHEDULING_TEAM | Team A | Student's team from Demographics page |
The macros for GPA's contain a GPA code embedded in the name. The GPA codes are setup in the Grading>GPA/Rank>Setup screen, where you replace {GPA} with the actual GPA Code. For example, {GPA}_ATTEMPTED_CREDITS would translate to CUM_ATTEMPTED_CREDITS to print the Attempted Credits for the CUM GPA.
Field / Macro | Example Output | Note |
{GPA}_ATTEMPTED_CREDITS | 5.000 | Enter a grade level in OPTION box to only print for students in that grade. (12 will also include PG) |
{GPA}_EARNED_CREDITS | 5.000 | Enter a grade level in OPTION box to only print for students in that grade. (12 will also include PG) |
{GPA}_EARNED_CREDITS_FROM_RECORD | 5.000 | Prints Earned Credits from grades included in {GPA}. Enter a grade level in OPTION box to only print for students in that grade. (12 will also include PG) |
{GPA}_QUALITY_POINTS | 7.0000 | Enter a grade level in OPTION box to only print for students in that grade. (12 will also include PG) |
{GPA}_GPA | 4.5500 | Enter a grade level in OPTION box to only print for students in that grade. (12 will also include PG) |
{GPA}_GPA_FORMAT | 4.6 | Place a number in the OPTION BOX to signify how many decimal places you wish to appear (default is 4) |
{GPA}_RANK | 2 / 350 | Enter a grade level in OPTION box to only print for students in that grade. (12 will also include PG) |
{GPA}_RANK_TITLE | Valedictorian or Salutatorian | Enter a grade level in OPTION box to only print for students in that grade. (12 will also include PG) Rank of 1 will produce Valedictorian. Rank of 2 will produce Salutatorian. Otherwise will be blank. |
{GPA}_RANKDATE | 10/26/2011 | Shows Date the EITHER the GPA or Rank was recalculated |
{GPA}_RANK_ONLY | 2 | Shows just the rank number without the class size. |
{GPA}_DECILE | 4 | Enter a grade level in OPTION box to only print for students in that grade. (12 will also include PG) |
{GPA}_CLASS_SIZE | 350 | |
{GPA}_PERCENTILE | 4 | Shows the student's percentile rank within their class. Can enter text in the OPTION box to print text around the number, using _ as the wild character. (e.g. "Top _ Percent" will be printed as "Top 4 Percent") |
{GPA}_TOP10PCT | 10 | Shows the top 10th percent where the student is ranked within their class. Can enter text in the OPTION box to print text around the number, using _ as the wild character. (e.g. "Top _ Percent" will be printed as "Top 10 Percent") |
{GPA}_TOP5PCT | 5 | Shows the top 5th percent where the student is ranked within their class. Can enter text in the OPTION box to print text around the number, using _ as the wild character. (e.g. "Top _ Percent" will be printed as "Top 5 Percent") |
GPA (deprecated) | 4.5500 | This field/macro only works with the Selectable GPA Feature |
HIGHEST_GPA | 4.0 | Prints highest GPA in school for GPA entered into OPTION box |
RANK (deprecated) | 2 / 150 | This field/macro only works with the Selectable GPA Feature |
DECILE (deprecated) | 4 | This field/macro only works with the Selectable GPA Feature |
EARNED_CREDITS (deprecated) | 5.000 | This field/macro only works with the Selectable GPA Feature |
Selectable GPA Feature (deprecated)
The selectable GPA feature allows you to specify a GPA when you are viewing or printing your transcripts. This feature is automatically turned on by adding any of the fields above that have a note that reads "This field/macro only works with the Selectable GPA Feature".
Previous Schools
"Previous schools" are free form text fields that are entered per school year, grade level. The data is entered in the Student Data>Modify Student>Previous Schools screen.
Field / Macro | Example Output | Note |
PREVIOUS_SCHOOLS_BLOCK | 06 St. Mary High School | |
PREVIOUS_SCHOOL_x_TEXT | St. Mary High School |
District, School and Transcript Information
These macros are related to your School, District and Transcript Information
Field / Macro | Example Output | Note |
DISTRICT_NAME | Genesis Public Schools | |
SCHOOL_ADDRESS_BLOCK | Genesis High School | If Student is in INACT school then will print last attended school |
HOME_SCHOOL_ADDRESS_BLOCK | Genesis High School | Uses Student's Home School |
HOME_SCHOOL_NAME | Genesis School | |
SCHOOL_CEEB_CODE | 311088 | |
SCHOOL_NAME | Genesis High School | |
SCHOOL_PHONE_NUMBER | (732) 555-1212 | |
SCHOOL_FAX_NUMBER | 732-555-1212 | |
SUPERINTENDENT_NAME | Mr. John Superintendent | |
SCHOOL_PRINCIPAL_NAME | Mr. John Principal | |
SCHOOL_PRINCIPAL_NAME_WITH_TITLE | Mr. John Principal - Principal | |
TEXT | Text | Prints Text entered into option box |
TRANSCRIPT_DATE | 01/10/2008 | |
CURRENT_CLASS_SIZE_FOR_GRADE_LEVEL | 355 | This will default to the student's current grade. Enter grade level into option to get a different grade level size. |
SAT Test Scores
SAT Tests scores that are entered in the Student Data>Modify Student>Testing>SAT screen. It is better to use the Test Scores macros; they will print all types of test scores in one list.
Field / Macro | Example Output | Note |
SAT_x_TEST_YEAR | 2007 | |
SAT_x_TEST_MONTH | September | |
SAT_x_VERBAL_SCORE | 400 | |
SAT_x_MATH_SCORE | 400 | |
SAT II Test Scores
SAT II Tests scores that are entered in the Student Data>Modify Student>Testing>SAT II screen. It is better to use the Test Scores macros; they will print all types of test scores in one list.
Field / Macro | Example Output | Note |
SATII_x_TEST_YEAR | 2007 | |
SATII_x_TEST_MONTH | September | |
SATII_x_SCORE | 100 | |
SATII_x_TEST_NAME | Biology |
Test Scores
The test scores included are SAT, SAT II, ACT, AP, Basic Skills Testing and PSAT. Individual test scores can be hidden from the transcript by unchecking the print on transcript flag on the appropriate student's test scores screen. The data is entered in the Student Data>Modify Student>Testing screens.
Field / Macro | Example Output | Note |
TESTSCORE_x_MONTH | September | |
TESTSCORE_x_YEAR | 2008 | |
TESTSCORE_x_SCORES | Verbal 400 Math 400 Writing 400 |
Assessment Scores
Individual test scores can be hidden from the transcript by unchecking the print on transcript flag on the appropriate student's assessment scores screen. The data is entered in the Student Data>Modify Student>Assessments screens.
Field / Macro | Example Output | Note |
ASCORE_x_NAME | SAT (Mathematics) | The Test Name; and if there is an exam name; it will print in parentheses next to it. |
ASCORE_x_MONTH | September | |
ASCORE_x_MONTH2 | Sep | Uses first three letters of the test month. |
ASCORE_x_YEAR | 2008 | |
ASCORE_x_SCORES | Verbal 400 Math 400 Writing 400 | Scores must have the ''Transcript" column checked off on the Assessments -> Setup -> Assessments -> Modify Assessment screen |
ASCORE_x_SCORES2 | Mathematics I Score 460 | Displays the exam name before the scores. Option NOEXAM_test will omit the exam name for test scores of type _test. |
ASCORE_x_TEST | SAT | Just the test name |
ASCORE_x_EXAM | Mathematics I | Just the exam name |
OMIT_PARCC_ASSESSMENT | The existence of this field on your transcript will omit any PARCC scores a student may have. This macrodoes not print a value of any sort on the transcript. |
Grade School Key
Names of the school from which a grade was issued. Used in conjunction with KEY option for course description macros.
Field / Macro | Example Output | Note |
KEY_x_NAME | Genesis High School | Will print the school name of either the Genesis School or the Grade Transferred From school name (found in Generic Code list, GRADE_HISTORY_PREVIOUS_SCHOOLS) |
Signature images for staff
Field / Macro | Example Output | Note |
STAFF_SIGNATURE | Will return the signature image of a specific staff member if a specific Staff ID/Teacher ID (ex. 1001) is entered into the option. Will return the signature image of a staff member marked as Principal on the Staff screen if used with option principal Will return the signature image of the staff member set as the students VP on the student demographics page if used with option vicePrincipal Will return the signature image of the staff member set as the students counselor on the student demographics page is used with option counselor Example of "Option": |
Images to display on the Transcript
Field / Macro | Example Output | Note | ||
BILITERATE_SEAL | Will print out the seal of biliteracy image on report. Image contains words, "NJ SEAL OF BILITERACY". The 'W' column will set both width and height of the image. Rotation does nothing. Student must attain the 'Seal of Biliteracy' via student's Assessment>World Languages tab in order for it to appear. This can be manually overridden by checking off 'Seal of Biliteracy' under Demographics>Categories | |||
BILITERATE_SEAL2 | Will print out the seal of biliteracy image on report. Image contains words, "NJ SEAL OF BILITERACY". The 'W' column will set both width and height of the image. Rotation does nothing. Student must attain the 'Seal of Biliteracy' via student's Assessment>World Languages tab in order for it to appear. This can be manually overridden by checking off 'Seal of Biliteracy' under Demographics>Categories |
You can now Upload JPG or PNG Images to display on the Transcript.
Click the "Manage Custom Image Macros" button to show current custom image macros and to upload new ones.
The macro would be the name of the file you uploaded with IMG_ in front of it.
Field / Macro | Example Output | Note |
BILITERATE_SEAL3 | NJ Seal of Biliteracy - Spanish NJ Seal of Biliteracy - French | Will print the line, "NJ Seal of Biliteracy - (language)" for every passed test in World Language Assessments. Student must also meet graduation requirements to generate line. If student has no World Language Assessments but does have Seal Of Biliteracy set on Categories screen then macro will generate a single line, "NJ Seal of Biliteracy". |
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