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Table of Securable Locations - Updated May 2017
The table below lists every Securable Location currently in the Genesis system and identifies the screens each provides access to.
Securable Location | Description / Tabs |
administration.assignments.assignCounselors | Assign students to Guidance Counselors Admin.Assignments.Counselors |
administration.assignments.assignGraduationDates | Assign Graduation Dates to students. Admin.Assignments.Graduation Dates |
administration.assignments.hrAssignments | Assign students to homerooms - Admin.Assignments.Homerooms |
administration.assignments.lockerAssignments | Assign lockers to students - Admin.Assignments.Lockers |
administration.audittrail.inserts | Access / run audits of inserts - Admin.Audit Trail.Inserts |
administration.audittrail.registration | Access / run audits of Registration actions - Admin.Audit Trail.Registration |
administration.audittrail.reports | Access / run audits of reports that have been run - Admin.Audit Trail.Reports |
administration.audittrail.tasks | Access / run audits of scheduler tasks - Admin.Audit Trail.Tasks |
administration.audittrail.updates | Access / run audits of updates & deletes - Admin.Audit Trail.Updates & Deletes |
administration.audittrail.views | Access / run audits of views - Admin.Audit Trail.Views |
administration.data.psatData | Manage (accept/reject) PSAT data Admin.Data.PSAT |
administration.data.psatImport | Import PSAT data files into Genesis Admin.Data.PSAT Import |
administration.data.sat2Data | Manage (accept/reject) SAT II data Admin.Data.SAT II |
administration.data.sat2Import | Import SAT II data into Genesis Admin.Data.SAT II Import |
administration.data.satData | Manage (accept/reject) SAT data Admin.Data.SAT |
administration.data.satImport | Import SAT data into Genesis Admin.Data.SAT Import |
administration.emergency | Make an Emergency Email/Text Msg Broadcast. Admin.Emergency |
administration.reports | Configure all Reports in the system - Admin.Reports |
administration.students.changeStudentID | Fix a student's ID - Admin.Students.Change Student IDs |
administration.students.deleteStudent | Remove bad student records Admin.Students.Delete Student |
administration.students.fixAttendance | Fix student's attendance - Admin.Students.Fix Student Records |
administration.students.photos | Upload/download student photos - Admin.Students.Manage Student Photos |
administration.summerRollover | Provide access to the "Summer Rollover functions" Admin.Summer Rollover |
assessments.dataviews.dataviews | Access the "Assessment Dataviews" area - Assessments.Data Views.Data Views |
assessments.graduation.testmap | Access the "Assessment Graduation" area - Assessments.Graduation.Map Tests |
assessments.reports | Access the Assessment Reports screen - Assessments.Reports |
assessments.setup.assessments | Setup Assessments - Assessments.Setup.Assessments |
assessments.setup.basicskills | Setup the Basic Skills conversion to the Assessments module - Setup Assessments - Assessments.Setup.Basic Skills Conversion |
assessments.setup.compare | Compare column names between existing Assessments in the system - attempt to correlate the Assessments - Assessments.Setup.Compare |
assessments.setup.legacy | Access 'legacy' test data (data entered into the system before the Assessments module was added - Assessments.Setup.Legacy |
assessments.setup.scales | Define the coloring scales - the schemes that colorize test scores according a set of ranges - Assessments.Setup.Scales |
assessments.setup.tools | Access Assessments tools - Assessments.Setup.Tools |
ATHLETICS MODULE LOCATIONS | Feature Functions for Athletic Directors |
athletics.reports | Reports for Athletic Directors |
athletics.rosters.roster | Access Team Rosters lists - Athletics.Rosters.Roster |
athletics.rosters.watchlists | Access Team Watch Lists - Athletics.Rosters.Watch Lists |
athletics.setup.releases | Manage the list of release forms displayed on students' Athletics screen - Athletics.Setup.Athletic Release Forms |
athletics.setup.sports | Manage the list of the school's sports and set parameters for the Ahtletics module's operation - Athletics.Setup.Sports |
athletics.sports | Maintain a list of the school's sports. Athletics.Sports |
athletics.studentlist | Search for students by athletics-related criteria |
attendance.analyze | Access the Analyze Attendance screens - Master Securable Location - Attendance.Analyze |
attendance.anayze.analyze | Access the Analyze Attendance graphing screen - Attendance.Analyze.Analyze |
attendance.attendancecodes | Define and maintain daily attendance codes Attendance.Codes |
attendance.autodialer | Interface with your autodialer Attendance.Autodialer |
attendance.checkin.checkin | Access to the Attendance.Check In screen – used by students |
attendance.checkin.setup | Configure Attendance Check-In - Attendance.Check In.Setup |
attendance.dailyattendance | Post Daily Attendance – Administrator's Interface |
attendance.dailyattendance.dnc | Control the Do Not Call checkbox |
attendance.dailyattendance.massPost | Access and use the "Mass Post Attendance" screen and function - Attendance.Daily Attendance.Mass Post |
attendance.globalconnect | Access a proprietary broadcast mechanism |
attendance.hrattendance.postAttendance | Post HR Attendance – HR Teacher's Interface |
attendance.hrattendance.postAttendance.comments | Control the ability to post Comments on Homeroom Attendance - Attendance.HR Attendance |
attendance.hrattendance.postAttendance.dnc | Control the Do Not Call ("dnc") checkbox on the HR Attendance screen. Attendance.HR Attendance |
attendance.hrattendance.seatingchart | Control access to the Home Room Attendance seating chart screen - Attendance.HR Attendance.Seating Chart |
attendance.letters | Setup, run and print daily attendance letters Attendance.Letters |
| Controls adding, modifying and deleting letters. |
attendance.njassa | NJ State ASSA Report – Support for Oct 15 analysis |
attendance.notes | Access to the "View and Process Attendance Notes submitted by parents/guardians via the Parent Module" screen - Attendance.Notes.Notes |
attendance.notes.setup | Setup the "Notes from Parents" (via parent module) faciliity - Attendance.Notes.Setup |
attendance.register | NJ State Monthly Attendance Register Reports |
attendance.register.recalculate | Control access to the "recalculate register" function - Attendance.Register.Recalculate |
attendance.reports | Attendance module reports screen Attendance.Reports |
attendance.schoolmessenger | Access a proprietary broadcast mechanism |
busscheduling.busstops | |
calendar.district | Configure and view the District Calendar - Calendar.District |
calendar.school | Configure and view School Calendars - Calendar.School |
calendar.school.calendarSetup | Access School calendars to add and manage school-based Calendar Events - Calendar.School.Calendar Setup |
calendar.reports | Calendar-related reports – location for custom reports Calendar.Reports |
classattendance.attendancecodes | Configure Class Attendance codes |
classattendance.massupdate | Mass Update Class Attendance Class Attendance.Mass Update |
classattendance.postattendance | Post Class Attendance by course section |
classattendance.reports | Class Attendance Reports Class Attendance.Reports |
classattendance.updateclassattendance | Customized Class Attendance for 1 district |
clubs.coaches.administrator | |
clubs.coaches.attendance.post | |
clubs.coaches.attendance.student | |
clubs.coaches.attendance.summary | |
clubs.coaches.attendance | |
clubs.coaches.calendar | |
clubs.coaches.contacts.email | |
clubs.coaches.contacts.team | |
clubs.coaches.dashboard.recentIncidents | Controls whether a user can see Recent Incidents in the dashboard |
clubs.coaches.dashboard.upcomingDiscipline | If a user does not have access to the upcomingDiscipline or recentIncidents locations, the Conduct section will not be shown on the screen. |
clubs.coaches.dashboard | |
clubs.coaches.eligibility | |
clubs.coaches.roster.manageStudents | Add this location to users who should have the ability to manually add students to a club from the Dashboard -> Roster screen. The club will also have to be enabled to allow staff to add students. |
clubs.coaches.roster | |
clubs.coaches.watchlist | |
clubs.setup.calendar | |
clubs.setup.eligibility | |
clubs.setup.import | |
clubs.setup.list | |
clubs.setup.settings.attendance | |
clubs.setup.settings.other | |
clubs.setup.settings | |
clubs.setup.staff | |
clubs.students.approval.admin | Users with rights to this location will have access to all clubs and students. |
clubs.students.approval | |
clubs.students.search | |
clubs.students.summary | |
codeofconduct.detentions | Controls access to the detention attendance screen Conduct.Detentions |
codeofconduct.incidents.list | Search for and view conduct incidents - Conduct.Incidents.List |
codeofconduct.hib.list | Access the list of HIB Investigations - Conduct.HIB Investigations |
codeofconduct.incidents.createIncident | Create a Conduct Incident - Conduct.Incidents.Create Incident |
codeofconduct.incidents.modifyIncident | Modify a Conduct Incident - Conduct.Incidents.Modify Incident |
codeofconduct.incidents.openIncidents | Review Open Incidents - Conduct.Incidents.Open Incidents |
codeofconduct.letters | Create, Generate & Print Conduct letters - Conduct. Letters |
codeofconduct.letters.listLetters | Access the list of Conduct Letters and the ability to create a letter or delete a letter - Conduct.Letters.List of Letters |
codeofconduct.letters.modifyLetter | Control the ability to edit a Conduct Letter - Conduct.Letters.List of Letters.Modify Letter |
codeofconduct.letters.runLetters.createLetters | Control access to the "Generate Letters" function in Conduct Letters - Conduct.Letters.Run Letters.Generate Letters |
codeofconduct.letters.runLetters.printLetters | Control the ability to print the generated letters in Conduct Letters - Conduct.Letters.Run Letters.Print Letters |
codeofconduct.reports | Conduct-related Reports - Conduct. Reports |
codeofconduct.setup.atc | Configure Attendance to Conduct Rules – |
codeofconduct.setup.codes | Configure and maintain Conduct codes - Conduct.Setup.Codes |
codeofconduct.setup.meritsdemerits | Configure Merit / Demerit codes |
codeofconduct.setup.settings | Control computation of point totals and district conduct settings |
codeofconduct.meritsdemerits | Merit / Demerit processing (create/accept/deny) |
codeofconduct.meritsdemerits.massadd | Control mass adding of Merits or Demerits - Conduct.Merits-Demerits. |
CORE LOCATIONS | Distributable Access to "Core" Setup Features |
core.reports | Core administration-related reports – location for custom reports Core.Reports |
core.activity | Controls access to the Core Activity screen which shows the users currently logged in to Genesis. Core.Activity |
core.backups.audit | Controls access to the backup audit record screen. Core.Backups.Audit |
core.backups.backups | Controls access to the screen listing backup activity. Core.Backups |
core.diags.applicationVariables | Controls access to the Core Applications Variables screen which lists the current app var settings. Core.Diagnostics.App Vars |
core.diags.cache | Controls access to the screen listing cache information. Core.Diagnostics.Cache |
core.diags.config | Controls access to the screen listing config information. Core.Diagnostics.Config |
core.diags.indexes | Access to the list of database indices and ability to regenerate them. Core.Diagnostics.Indexes |
core.diags.performanceTest | Access to the performance Test - Core.Diagnostics.Performance Test |
core.diags.segments | Access to the list of database segments. Core.Diagnostics.Segments |
core.diags.tables | Access to the list of database tables and ability to compress them. Core.Diagnostics.Tables |
core.diags.threads | Access to the application thread tracking screen. Read-only. Core.Diagnostics.Threads |
core.diags.versionHistory | No longer used – moved to info.releaseNotes |
core.dm.silos | Document store silo controls. Core.DM.SIlos |
core.dm.tablespaces | Document Store tablespace controls Core.DM.Tablespaces |
core.dm.types | Document Store document types controls Core.DM.Types |
core.email | Access to the Core Email screen showing email connectivity. Core.Email. |
core.fields | Controls access to the Core Fields screen which controls which fields on which screens are required. Core.Fields |
core.fonts | Access to the list of fonts installed in Genesis. Ability to upload new TTF font files. Core.Fonts |
core.import | Import table data from MS Excel to the Genesis database Core.Imports |
core.logs.logs | Access system run logs - Core.Logs |
core.paths | Controls access to basic application setup configuration settings. Core.Paths |
core.reports | Core Reports screen |
core.scheduler.alerts | Access the ability to sign up for "Alerts" mailings, the set of alerts that occurred in the prior 24 hours - Core.Scheduler.Alerts |
core.scheduler.exportFiles | View the set of export files - Core.Scheduler.Export Files |
core.scheduler.log | View the scheduler Logs - Core.Scheduler.Logs |
core.scheduler.properties | Access the "Properties" screen for individual Tasks - That is, configure an individual Task - Core.Scheduler.Properties |
core.scheduler.sftpdiags | Access SFTP Test and setup screen - Core.Scheduler.SFTP Server Diagnostics |
core.scheduler.task | Access to the daily set of Scheduled Tasks. Update & control the schedule (running of daily maintenance tasks). Core.Scheduler.Tasks |
core.sif.setup | Setup SIF connectivity to 3rd party apps. Core.SIF.Setup |
core.sif.activity | |
core.sif.add | |
core.sif.objects | |
core.sif.properties | |
core.sif.query | |
core.webserver.config | Configure the Webserver |
core.webserver.ssl | Security certificate |
docmgt.importer.oneTimeUpload | |
docmgt.importer.paths | |
docmgt.importer.sftp | |
docmgt.manage.lessonPlans | |
docmgt.publish.students | Control the ability to publish documents to student records. Doc Mgt.Publish |
docmgt.reports | Control access to document management reports - Doc Mgt.Reports |
docmgt.setup.schoolTeachers | |
docmgt.setup.silos | |
docmgt.setup.tablespaces | |
docmgt.setup.types | Controls Doc Mgmt>Setup>Document Types screen |
elemgrading.postgrades.students | Teachers post Elementary RPT Card grades – |
elemgrading.reportcards.generate | Generate Elem Rpt Cards - Elem Grading.Report Cards.Generate |
elemgrading.reportcards.reportcards | Print Elem Rpt Cards - Elem Grading. Report Cards.Report Cards |
elemgrading.reportcards.templates | Configure Rpt Card Templates – Can have 1 for each grade level |
elemgrading.reports | Elementary Grading-related reports – location for custom reports Elem Grading.Reports |
elemgrading.schedule | Create a Master Class Schedule for Elementary Schools |
elemgrading.setup.comments | Setup fixed comments Elem Grading.Setup.Comments |
elemgrading.setup.guide | Guide for setting up Elem Grading - Elem Grading.Setup.Guide |
elemgrading.setup.massassign | Mass Assign teachers to subjects - Elem Grading.Setup.Mass Assign |
elemgrading.setup.openclose | Open/Close Elem Grading - Elem Grading.Setup.Open/Close |
elemgrading.setup.schoolsubjects | Configure subjects to schools - Elem Grading.Setup.School Subjects |
elemgrading.setup.skills | Create & Maintain lists of skills - Elem Grading.Setup.Skills |
elemgrading.setup.subjects | Configure subjects to be graded - Elem Grading.Setup.Subjects |
elemgrading.setup.teachersubjects | Specify which subjects teachers will grade on rpt cards |
elemgrading.setup.validgrades | Configure the valid rpt card grades |
export.custom | Exports.My Exports |
export.myexports | Define & run exports – download files - Exports.My Exports |
export.reports | Export module reports - Exports.Reports |
gradebook.assignments2 | Create Assignments |
gradebook.gradebook.attendance | Take class attendance in the Gradebook |
gradebook.gradebook.documents | Upload documents to Gradebooks and manage the docs - Gradebook.Gradebook.MPx.Documents |
gradebook.exams.grade | Grade Exams - Gradebook.Gradebook.Exams.Grade |
gradebook.exams.setup | Setup ME/FE exams Gradebook.Gradebook.Exams. Setup |
gradebook.exams.setup.admin | |
gradebook.gradebook | Gradebook grading spreadsheet - Gradebook.Gradebook |
gradebook.gradebook.gradeassignment | Gradebook Grade Assignment screen Gradebook.Gradebook.Grade Assignment |
gradebook.student.assessments | Access the Gradebook Student Assessment screen - Gradebook.Gradebook.Student.Assessments |
gradebook.student.charts | Access the Gradebook Student Charts screen - Gradebook.Gradebook.Student.Charts |
gradebook.gradebook.student.contacts | Gradebook Student's Contacts and Email screen Gradebook.Gradebook.[Student]Contacts |
gradebook.gradebook.student.contacts.custody | Access the student's custody information (if there is any) - Gradebook.Gradebook.Contacts |
gradebook.gradebook.student.discipline | Gradebook Student's Discipline record and Incident creation |
Gradebook.Gradebook.[Student]Discipline | |
gradebook.gradebook.student.information | Gradebook Student's Student Data Information screen Gradebook.Gradebook.[Student]Student Data |
gradebook.gradebook.student.meritsdemerits | Gradebook Student's Merits/Demerits screen |
gradebook.gradebook.student.notes | Gradebook Student's Notes screen |
gradebook.gradebook.student.scratchpad | Gradebook Student scratchpad – grading projection screen - Gradebook.Gradebook..Student.Scratch Pad |
gradebook.gradebook.exams.grade | Gradebook Grade Exam Grading screen Gradebook.Gradebook.Exams.Grade |
gradeboo.gradebook.exams.setup | Gradebook Exam setup. Gradebook.Gradebook.Exams.Setup |
gradebook.home.coursepages | Gradebook Home screen – lists classes - Gradebook.Home |
gradebook.home.directory | Access the staff directory - Gradebook.Home.Staff Directory |
gradebook.home.emails | Access your email history - Gradebook.Home.Email History |
gradebook.home.profile | Access your user personal user profile (if you are a teacher) - Gradebook.Home.User Profile |
gradebook.home.summary | Access the Gradebook home page or 'summary' dashboard screen - Gradebook.Home.Summary |
gradebook.home.watchlists | Access the teacher's watch lists - Gradebook.Home.Watch LIsts |
gradebook.merge | Merge course section rosters into a single GB - Gradebook.Merge |
gradebook.postgrades | Post report card grades - Gradebook.Post Grades |
gradebook.profiles.lastyear | Access the set of Profiles used in the prior year - Gradebook.Profiles.Last Year |
gradebook.profiles.library | Access the 'public library' of Gradebook Profiles - Gradebook.Profiles.Profile Library |
gradebook.profiles.list | Access the list of Profiles in the Gradebook - Gradebook.Profiles.List Profiles |
gradebook.profiles.categories.mppercentages | Control access to Gradebook Categories list screen where Marking Period percentages can be updated - Gradebook.Profiles.Categories |
gradebook.profiles.preferences | Controls Profile Preferences - - Gradebook.Profiles.Preferences |
gradebook.profiles.preferences.showStudentAvgInParents | Control whether the user (i.e. teacher) can set/unset the "Show Student Average in Parents" flag on the Gradebook.Profiles.Preferences screen |
gradebook.profiles.reports | Controls Profile Report parameters - Gradebook.Profiles.Reports |
gradebook.profiles.translations | View/modify grade values - Gradebook.Profiles.Grade Values |
gradebook.profiles.translations.alpha | Control only the alpha grades - Gradebook.Profiles.Grade Values |
gradebook.profiles.translations.alpha.colors | Control only the colors for the alpha grades - Gradebook.Profiles.Grade Values |
gradebook.profiles.translations.checks | Control only the check mark grades - Gradebook.Profiles.Grade Values |
gradebook.profiles.translations.osu | Control only the O-S-U grades - Gradebook.Profiles.Grade Values |
gradebook.profiles.translations.passfail | Control only the Pass/Fail grades - Gradebook.Profiles.Grade Values |
gradebook.profiles.units | Control the list of Units in the Gradebook Profile - Gradebook.Profiles.Units |
gradebook.profiles.workgroups | Control only the list of Workgroups in the Gradebook Profile - Gradebook.Profiles.Workfgroups |
gradebook.profiles | Manage your Grading Profiles - Master Control location - Gradebook.Profiles |
gradebook.reports | Gradebook reports - Gradebook.Reports |
gradebook.roster | Class Roster setup screen - Gradebook.Class Rosters |
gradebook.rubrics | Create, Print and select Rubrics - Gradebook.Rubrics |
gradebook.schoolsetup.assignments | Add, manage and analyze school level Assignments Gradebook.School Setup.Assignments |
gradebook.schoolsetup.coursepages | View Teacher's Course Pages - Gradebook.School Setup.Course Pages |
gradebook.schoolsetup.department | Create and modify departmental Profiles - Gradebook.School Setup.Profiles |
gradebook.schoolsetup.gradebooks | Access and view read-only Gradebook – Need to view these GBs |
gradebook.schoolsetup.home | Schoolsetup access – greeting screen - Gradebook.Home |
gradebook.schoolsetup.maintenance | Push out Profiles to teacher, replace Teachers, etc. |
gradebook.schoolsetup.permissions | Give read-only access to Gradebooks to other users |
gradebook.schoolsetup.profiles | Setup School and Departmental Default Profiles |
gradebook.schoolsetup.school | Create and modify a Default School Profile |
gradebook.schoolsetup | Grant Access to the School Setup – GB Administration screens |
gradebook.setup2 | Select a Profile for a course section Gradebook.Setup |
gradebook.setup2.email | Control Email List Creation & Use Gradebook.Setup.Email |
GRADING MODULE LOCATIONS | Report Card Grading/Academic History/GPAs/Honor Rolls |
grading.exploratory | Grade "Exploratory" Courses – Vocational Schools |
grading.gpa.fixgrades | Control the "Print on Transcript" flag for courses |
grading.gpa.gpa | Run the GPAs - Grading.GPA / Rank.GPA Calc. |
grading.gpa.maintenance | Recalculate Final Grades, Credits, etc. |
grading.gpa.modify | |
grading.gpa.ranking | Run Class Rank - Grading.GPA / Rank.Ranking |
grading.gpa.setup | Setup the various GPAs - Grading.GPA / Rank.Setup |
grading.honorrolls | Run Honor Rolls - Grading.Honor Rolls |
grading.postgrades | Teacher Post Rpt Card Grades Screen - Grading.Post Grades |
grading.process | Open and Close Grading - Grading.Grading Process |
grading.process.openclose | Control the ability to open or close grading on the Grading.Grading Process.Open/Close Grading screen. |
grading.process.verification | Analyze what grades have been done as yet - Grading.Grading Process.Verification |
grading.reportcards.generate | Run Report Cards (not print) - Grading.Report Cards.Generate |
grading.reportcards.reportcards | Print Report Cards - Grading.Report Cards.Report Cards |
grading.reportcards.templates | Setup the Report Card Templates - Grading.Report Cards.Template |
grading.reports | Grading related reports - Grading.Reports |
grading.setup.calculations | Setup Final Grade Calculations & Final Grade calculation flags |
grading.setup.collections | Setup the various Grade Collections - Grading.Setup.Collections |
grading.setup.comments | Setup the various Grading Comments- Grading.Setup.Comments |
grading.setup.creditLoss | Setup Attendance Credit Loss Rules |
grading.setup.guide | Setup Guide for Grading - Grading.Setup.Setup Guide |
grading.setup.policy | Upload school grading policy |
grading.setup.schemes | Specify the grading scheme(s) for the school |
grading.setup.skills | Setup skills |
grading.setup.validGrades | Control Grading policy, alpha grades, min/max grades, etc. - Grading.Setup.Valid Grades |
grading.sportseligibility.calcEligibility | Calculate Sports Eligibility - Grading.Sports Eligibility |
Info.newsletters | Controls access to the Info.Newsletters screen |
Info.releasenotes | Controls access to the Info.Release Notes screen |
Info.webinars | Controls access to the Info.GenesisTraining screen. The 'C' permission allows users to sign up for the webinar. |
lessonplanner.calendar | Controls access to the Lesson Planner->Calendar screen that is expected to be teacher's main point of daily access and usage. |
lessonplanner.mybooks.units.admin | |
lessonplanner.mybooks | Master location for the "Lesson Books" screens. This now controls both the Lesson Books screen and the List Books screen. |
lessonplanner.reports | Standard Lesson Planner-> Reports tab access. There are no built-in Lesson Planner reports as yet. |
lessonplanner.setup.lessonpal | Lesson Pal setup for Teachers. Creating what are essentially working groups |
lessonplanner.calendar.users.lessonpals | |
lessonplanner.setup.preferences | Access to the teachers' setup options for how they would like their Calendar screen to work and other preferences. |
lessonplanner.setup.staff | Access to teacher's ability to attach to their "Teacher" identities. This is a required first step for all Teachers (not for reviewers). |
lessonplanner.review.reviewplans | Access to the actual review screens where comments can be made on individual plans. |
lessonplanner.admin | Give a non-sysadmin user "Administrative Access" to the Lesson Planner. |
lessonplanner.setup.docs | Access to the Lesson Planner Setup "Document Management Integration" screen. This allows the administrator to finish the setup of Lesson Plans and Doc Management. In Document Management itself, at least one Document Type for "Lesson Planner" must already have been setup. |
lessonplanner.setup.fields | Access to the Lesson Planner "Custom Fields" screen to create/name up to three local Lesson Plan fields and three local Unit Plan fields. |
lessonplanner.setup.templates | Access to the Lesson Planner "Templates" screen to create/manage Lesson Plan and Unit Plan Templates. |
lessonplanner.setup.tools | Access to the "Move Lesson Books to Another User" and "Lesson Planner Configuration" functions. |
lessonplanner.mapping.summary | |
lessonplanner.mapping.tools | |
lessonplanner.mybooks.copy | |
lessonplanner.mybooks.lessons.publiclibrary | |
lessonplanner.mybooks.link | |
lessonplanner.mybooks.units.admin | |
lessonplanner.mybooks.units.autodates | |
lessonplanner.mybooks.units | |
lessonplanner.review.reviewplans.alldepartments | |
lessonplanner.review.reviewplans.publiclibrary | |
lessonplanner.review.viewplans | |
nextyearscheduling.curriculum.curriculum | Next Year Course Catalog Maintenance |
nextyearscheduling.curriculum.subjectArea | Setup Subject Areas and Graduation Requirements for them |
nextyearscheduling.curriculum.tools | Control access to various setup tools - Next Year Scheduling.Curriculum.Tools |
nextyearscheduling.fills.fillStudyHalls | Fill Study Halls and Lunch - Next Year Scheduling.Fills.Requirements |
nextyearscheduling.fills.requirements | Specify how to fill study halls - Next Year Scheduling.Fills.Requirements |
nextyearscheduling.massschedule | ACCESS Mass Next Year Scheduler
nextyearscheduling.massschedule.maintenance | Purge Schedules, Recalculate Seat Counts |
nextyearscheduling.massschedule.masterbuilder | Run the Master Class Builder |
nextyearscheduling.masterclassschedule.masterclassschedule | Run Mass Next Year Scheduler |
nextyearscheduling.massupdates.elemscheduler | Do "elementary Scheduling" - Next Year Scheduling.Mass Updates.Elem HR Sync |
nextyearscheduling.massupdates.massadd | Mass Add Courses to Students |
nextyearscheduling.massupdates.masschange | Mass Change Courses (Drop/Add by Rules) |
nextyearscheduling.massupdates.massdelete | Mass Delete Courses from Students |
nextyearscheduling.massupdates.tracking | View tracking records documenting next year schedule changes |
nextyearscheduling.process.process | Copy this year data to next year; enable/disable course requests |
nextyearscheduling.process.recommendations | Setup parameters for various aspects of Next Year course recommendations - Next Year Scheduling.Process.Recommendations Setup |
nextyearscheduling.reports | Next Year Scheduling Reports - Next Year Scheduling.Reports |
nextyearscheduling.sections.documents | |
nextyearscheduling.sections.search | Search for and manage course sections |
nextyearscheduling.sections.section | Search for and manage course sections - |
nextyearscheduling.setup.fullControl | Export/Import data from the Full Control Scheduler product |
nextyearscheduling.setup.masterclasslinkage | Setup linkages between courses in Master Class Schedule |
nextyearscheduling.setup.printperiods | Manage print periods - |
nextyearscheduling.setup.processControl | Setup scheduling process steps for schools |
nextyearscheduling.setup.requestParams | Setup maximum/minimum parameters for credits re: requests |
nextyearscheduling.setup.restrictions | Specify restrictions on which students cannot have classes with certain other students -Next Year Scheduling.Setup.Restrictions |
nextyearscheduling.setup.rooms | Setup Next Year rooms -Next Year Scheduling.Setup.Rooms |
nextyearscheduling.setup.solstar | Export/Import data from the SOLSTAR optimizing/scheduling product |
nextyearscheduling.setup.tallyParams | Select columns to display on the Requst Tallies screen |
nextyearscheduling.setup.teachers | Setup Teachers for the current school for scheduling |
nextyearscheduling.setup.teams | Setup Teams for Team Scheduling |
nextyearscheduling.setup.teams.manage | Manage scheduling Teams - |
nextyearscheduling.setup.teams.students | Manage Students on scheduling Teams - |
nextyearscheduling.studentrequests.counselor | View summary of students for counselors, with request status |
nextyearscheduling.studentrequests.letters | ACCESS to Student Request Letter screens and functions |
nextyearscheduling.studentrequests.letters.generateLetters | Generate the student request letters |
nextyearscheduling.studentrequests.letters.labels | Generate labels for letters - Next Year Scheduling.Student Requests.Letters.Generate Letters |
nextyearscheduling.studentrequests.letters.letterTemplate | Set the scheduling Letter Template |
nextyearscheduling.studentrequests.letters.viewLetters | View Request Letters that have been run |
nextyearscheduling.studentrequests.massupdaterequests | ACCESS to the Mass Update Requests screens and functions |
nextyearscheduling.studentrequests.massupdaterequests.massadd | Mass add course requests to students |
nextyearscheduling.studentrequests.massupdaterequests.masschange | Mass change existing course requests for a group of students |
nextyearscheduling.studentrequests.massupdaterequests.massdelete | Mass delete course requests from students |
nextyearscheduling.studentrequests.massupdaterequests.tracking | View a list of the mass changes that have been made to requests |
nextyearscheduling.studentrequests.parentrequests | Control access to the tool that creates student requests from parent requests in the Parent Module - Next Year Scheduling.Student Requests.Parent Requests |
nextyearscheduling.studentrequests.requestConflictMatrix | View the request conflict matrix - Next Year Scheduling.Student Requests.Request Conflict Matrix |
nextyearscheduling.studentrequests.requestStatus | View status of requests for students by guidance counselor |
nextyearscheduling.studentrequests.requestTallies | See Tallies of Student Requests for courses |
NJ.njtesting.algebra1 | NJ End of Course Algebra 1 Test |
NJ.njtesting.algebra2 | NJ End of Course Algebra 2 Test |
NJ.njtesting.apa | NJ APA label creation & results uploading |
NJ.njtesting.ask | NJ HSPA label creation & results uploading grades 3,4 |
NJ.njtesting.biology | NJ End of Course (EOC) Biology Test |
NJ.njtesting.dlm | NJ ESL/LEP label creation & results uploading |
NJ.njtesting.njpass | NJ PASS |
NJ.njtesting.access | Access for ELLs New Jersey.NJTesting.Access |
NJ.njtesting.parcc | NJSLA/PAN |
NJ.njtesting.tools | NJ Test tools |
NJ.tools.test | Testing Tools (Previously under NJ>NJ Testing>Tools) |
NJ.tools.biologyImport | Import Biology File (Previously under NJ>NJ Testing>NJBCT/Viology EOC>Import Biology File) |
NJ.tools.assessment | Assessment Tools (Previously under NJ Smart>Tools>Assessment Tools) |
NJ.tools.misc | Misc Tools (Previously under NJSmart>Tools>Misc Tools) |
NJ.tools.njSmartImport | NJSmart Import (Previously under NJSmart>NJSmart Import |
NJ.tools.fafsaImport | Fafsa Import |
NJ.reportextract.attendance | |
NJ.reportextract.course | |
NJ.reportextract.cte | CTE Submission |
NJ.reportextract.njsmart | NJ Smart analysis/download screen |
NJ.reports | NJ reports - New Jersey.Reports |
nurses.medications | Medication creation/dispursement/tracking - Nurses.Medications.Daily Medications |
nurses.medications.logs | Medication creation/dispursement/tracking - Nurses.Medications.Medications.Log |
nurses.reports | Nurse-related/medical reports - Nurses.Reports |
nurses.setup.checkin.admin | |
nurses.setup.checkin | |
nurses.setup.codes | Manage Medical/Nurse-related codes tables - Nurses.Setup.Codes |
nurses.setup.ihp | Setup and maintain the IHP Template library - Nurses.Setup.IHP Templates |
nurses.setup.maintenance | Configuration parameters & maintenance functions for the Nurses module Nurses.Setup.Maintenance |
nurses.setup.medications | Medication maintenance tools - Mass create PRN Meds - Nurses.Setup.Medications |
nurses.setup.preferences | Nurses' personal preferences – linked to login id. Nurses.Setup.Preferences |
nurses.studentlist | One-stop shop nurse student search - Nurses.Student List |
nurses.visits | Create/Monitor/Close/Search for - Nurses.Visits |
nurse.visits.checkin | Check in screen for Nurse visits |
nurses.visits.dyfs | Access the DCPP screen on each Visit. |
nurses.visits.modify.details.attendance | You will be able to flag disposition codes as Sent Home. If a code is marked as Sent Home, on the visits screen a popup will appear when that disposition code is selected. The popup will contain attendance codes that the nurse can select. If a code Nurses will need a new securable location, nurses.visits.modify.details.attendance, in order to have access to the popup. |
parentaccess.activity | Parent logon activity screen (shows who is logged into Parent Module at the moment) - Parents.Activity |
parentaccess.forms.templates | |
parentaccess.maintenance | Parent module maintenance - Parents.Maintenance |
parentaccess.reports | Parents module-related reports - Parents.Reports |
parentaccess.setup.emails | Create Email Templates for Parents - Parents.Setup.Email |
parentaccess.setup.roles | Setup Roles for Parents - Parents.Setup.Roles |
parentaccess.setup.settings.district | Control settings that apply to the whole district |
parentaccess.setup.settings.logonScreen | |
parentaccess.setup.settings.school | ACCESS School Controls – Master Access Control to School |
parentaccess.setup.settings.school.alerts | Control the alerts/message generation options for each school |
parentaccess.setup.settings.school.attendance | Control the Attendance display options for each school |
parentaccess.setup.settings.school.conferences | Control the Conference display options for each school |
parentaccess.setup.settings.school.contacts | Control the Contacts display options for each school |
parentaccess.setup.settings.school.correspondance | Control the letter types display options for each school |
parentaccess.setup.settings.school.discipline | Control the Code of Conduct display options for each school |
parentaccess.setup.settings.school.gradebook | Control the Gradebook display options for each school |
parentaccess.setup.settings.school.grading | Control Grading settings by school – which MPs to display, other display options |
parentaccess.setup.settings.school.reportcards | Control Report Card display settings by school |
parentaccess.setup.settings.school.scheduling | Control the Scheduling display options for each school |
parentaccess.setup.settings.school.transport | Control the Bus Info display options for each school |
parentaccess.setup.settings.school.usertextflags | Control the User Flag and User Text display options for each school |
parentaccess.setup.users | Create, modify, delete Parent Logons |
payment.accounts | Create, modify, delete payment "accounts" |
payment.fees | Create, modify, delete Fees and Fee Types |
payment.reports | Access Payment module reports |
payment.setup | Setup payment account (e.g. with Amazon) |
PDA | |
pda.studentdata.search | Access on a PDA device – No regular tabs |
pda.classattendance | Take class attendance on a PDA device. |
pda.reports | PDA-related reports – location for custom reports PDA.Reports |
reunification.checkin | |
reunification.checkout | |
reunification.holding | |
reunification.setup.events | |
reunification.setup.locations | |
reunification.setup.openclose | |
reunification.setup.settings | |
reunification.studentCheckin | |
reunification.tracking.rooms | |
reunification.tracking.search | |
reunification.tracking.add | |
registration.newstudent | Register a new student in the district |
registration.newstudent.addresses.override |
registration.openreg.setup | Parameters for the operation of Open (Online) Registration - |
registration.openreg.search | Control access to the search screen for Open (Online) Registration - |
registration.openreg.contactImport | Import Student Contacts for/via Open (Online) Registration - |
registration.openreg.customQuestions | Setup custom registration questions to be asked during Open (Online) Registration - |
registration.openreg.studentImport | Import Student Info from Excel and register them - |
registration.openreg.studentImport2 | Import and register students from a Genesis sending district from an XML file generated by the sending district's use of the 31921 Registration report - |
registration.preregister | Pre-register a Student in district |
registration.reentry.searchForm | Transfer Student in school - Search for a student to re-enter |
registration.reports | Registration reports - Registration.Reports |
registration.setup | Prevent access to this "locked" screen |
registration.summerschool | Assign students to/from Summer School |
registration.transfer.massTransfer | Access to the Mass Transfer functions - Registration.Transfer In District.Mass Transfer |
registration.transfer.searchForm | Transfer Student in district - Search for a student to transfer |
registration.withdrawal.searchForm | Withdraw Student - Search for a student to withdraw |
reportWriter.dictionary | Access the ReportWriter's data dictionary - ReportWriter.Data Dictionary |
reportWriter.practiceExpr | Practice Expression Language Expresssions - ReportWriter.Practice Expressions |
reportWriter.reports | Access the Report Writer Reports screen |
scheduling.curriculum.curriculum | Current Year Course Catalog |
scheduling.curriculum.subjectArea | Manage Subjects and Graduation Requirements Scheduling.Curriculum.Subject Areas |
scheduling.curriculum.tools | Various course assignment and other tools -Scheduling.Curriculum.Tools |
scheduling.fills.requirements | Study Hall and Lunch Fills - Scheduling.Fills |
scheduling.massupdates.massadd | Mass Add Courses to Students |
scheduling.massupdates.masschange | Mass Change Courses to Students |
scheduling.massupdates.massdelete | Mass Delete Courses to Students |
scheduling.massupdates.tracking | View tracking records documenting schedule changes |
scheduling.masterclassschedule.masterclassschedule | Search the Master Class Schedule |
scheduling.reports | Schedule-related reports - Scheduling.Reports |
scheduling.sections.search | Search for and manage course sections - Scheduling.Sections |
scheduling.sections.createWizard | Mass generate new course sections - Scheduling.Sections.Search - access wizard from this screen |
scheduling.sections.documents | View and modify section and subsection information - Scheduling.Sections.Modify Section.Documents |
scheduling.sections.section | View and modify section and subsection information - Scheduling.Sections.Modify Section |
scheduling.setup.assignAltBellCodes | Alternate bell schedule |
scheduling.setup.bellPeriods | List of Bell Periods |
scheduling.setup.departments | Quick setup current school's academic departments for scheduling |
scheduling.setup.rooms | Quick setup current school's rooms for scheduling |
scheduling.setup.studentPredictor | Setup the Student Predictor - Scheduling.Setup.Student Predictor |
scheduling.setup.teachers | Quick setup current school's teachers for scheduling |
scheduling.setup.teams | Setup the current school's scheduling Teams (or "Houses") |
setup.codes | Setup Codes tables - Setup.Codes |
setup.districts.params.attendanceCycles | Manage the District Attendance Cycles |
setup.districts.params.basicparams | Manage basic Master District settings |
setup.districts.params.basicskilltests | Manage the list of Basic Skills Tests (e.g. NJ ASK, HSPA) |
setup.districts.params.buildings | Setup Buildings in the District - Setup.Districts.Master District Parameters.Buildings |
setup.districts.params.colleges | Setup College contact information for the District - Setup.Districts.Master District Parameters.Colleges |
setup.districts.params.contactflags | Setup custom flags for use on student Contacts - Setup.Districts.Master District Parameters.Custom Contact Flags |
setup.districts.params.department | Manage the list of academic departments in the District |
setup.districts.params.employers | Manage the list of possible employers |
setup.districts.params.iepdirect | Set up interactions with IEP Direct - Setup.Districts.Master District Parameters.IEP Direct Integration |
setup.districts.params.implan | Access the district's Genesis SIS Implementation Plan |
setup.districts.params.logonScreen | Configure District Genesis' Logon screen behavior - parameters for how the logon screen operates - Setup.Districts.Master District Parameters.Logon Screen |
setup.districts.params.lunchpin | Setup the lunch pin parameters |
setup.districts.params.notes | do not use |
setup.districts.params.pmassessments | Performance Matters Assessments Setup -Setup.Districts.Master District Parameters.MarkingPeriods |
setup.districts.params.markingPeriods | Manage Marking Periods |
setup.districts.params.relatedservices | Setup Related Services for the district |
setup.districts.params.streets | District Street Map - Setup.Districts.Master District parameters.Streets |
setup.districts.params.studentids | Manage the "Generate Student IDs" settings and pattern |
Xsetup.districts.params.teachers | Setup "Staff" objects – not just Tchrs but Counselors, Nurses, etc. |
setup.districts.params.userflags | Create/Manage user flags for the school district |
setup.districts.params.usertext | Create/Manager user text fields for the school district |
setup.districts.params.validGrades | Manage valid grade levels in the district. |
setup.districts.params.zipcodes | Setup zipcodes used in the school district |
setup.forms | PDF Form Setup - Setup.Forms |
setup.reports | Reports from the "Setup" 'module' Setup.Reports |
setup.schools | ACCESS LOCATION FOR SETTING UP SCHOOLS Setup.Schools |
setup.schools.schoolParams.attendanceCycles | Create/Manage "Attendance Cycles" for the school |
setup.schools.schoolParams.basicParams | Set Basic operational parameters for the selected school |
Xsetup.schools.schoolParams.departments | Set the academic departments for the selected school |
setup.schools.schoolParams.events | Set the Turnstile Events for the selected school |
setup.schools.schoolParams.homeroomParameters | Set the homeroom parameters for the selected school |
setup.schools.schoolParams.letterCycles | Setup the "Letter Cycles" measuring when letters are generated |
setup.schools.schoolParams.locations | Setup "Locations" in the school to use for Code of Conduct incidents |
setup.schools.schoolParams.lockers | Create/Manager the School's lockers |
Xsetup.schools.schoolParams.markingPeriods | Setup the school's marking periods |
setup.schools.schoolParams.modifySchool | Basic Info for the School - |
setup.schools.schoolParams.notePermissions | Specify which types of users can see other users' student Notes - |
setup.schools.schoolParams.notifications | Setup notifications (alerts for the parent module) |
setup.schools.schoolParams.override | Set the Scheduling Override Password |
setup.schools.schoolParams.scheduleCycle | Specify the school's "Schedule Cycle" |
setup.schools.schoolParams.schoolColors | Select the school's colors – not used for anything right now. |
setup.schools.schoolParams.semesters | View/Manage the list of schdlng "Semesters" for the selected school |
setup.schools.schoolParams.studentIdCounter | Set the ID Counter parameters |
setup.schools.schoolParams.studentPasses | Upload Student Pass template for the selected school |
Xsetup.schools.schoolParams.teachers | View the Teachers assigned to the selected school |
setup.schools.schoolParams.validGrades | Select the valid grade levels for the school (e.g. K-05, 09-12) |
Xsetup.schools.schoolparams.rooms | Create/manage the school's Rooms |
setup.schools.schoolparams.userflags | Select user flag fields for the current school |
setup.schools.schoolparams.usertext | Select user text fields for the current school |
setup.schools.schoolparams.webpages | View and create web pages for courses - |
setup.schoolTypes | Manage the categories of schools (e.g. elementary, middle, high, ...) |
Security Locations | |
setup.security.activedirectory | Configure the Genesis / Active Directory Link |
setup.security.agentStrings | Configure device type mobile agent strings - Setup.Security.Mobile Agent Strings |
setup.security.ipv4sets | Setup.Security.IPV4 Sets |
setup.security.ldap | Configure the Genesis / LDAP Link |
setup.security.policy | Setup the Genesis Security Policy for the District |
setup.security.roles | Define Security Roles |
setup.security.rwtables | Control security and access rights for tables in the ReportWriter - Setup.Security.Data Tables |
setup.security.teacherAssignments | Link staff objects with user ids |
setup.security.users | Setup user ids/logins |
setup.stateschools.districts | Manage the "State Districts" table |
setup.stateschools.schools | Manage the "State Schools" table |
setup.stateschools.tools | Tools to help manage the "State Districts" and "State Schools" tables |
staff.editlists | Manage staff lists Staff.Edit Lists |
staff.editlists.dynmanic | Create, manage dynamic staff lists Staff.Edit Lists |
staff.editlists.share | Share staff lists with other users - Staff.Edit Lists |
staff.reports | Staff module reports - Staff.Reports |
staff.staff.addStaff | Manually add a staff memer - Staff.Staff.Add Staff |
staff.staff.importNJSmartEval | Import Staff Member Data from the NJ SMART Eval file - Staff.Staff.Import NJEVAL |
staff.staff.importSMID | Import Staff Members or update their data from the NJ SMART Staff file - Staff.Staff.Import NJSMID |
staff.staff.importStaff | Import Staff Members or update their data from the NJ SMART SMID file - Staff.Staff.Import NJSTAFF |
staff.staff.search | Search for/List Staff Members - Staff.Staff.Search |
staff.staff.staffphotos | Upload Staff Photos - Staff.Staff.Staff Photos |
staff.staff.tools | Various tools to set SGO and other scores for staff members in the Genesis SIS - Staff.Staff.Tools |
staff.vehicles.search | Search for vehicles, staff member vehicles - Staff.Vehicles.Search |
staff.vehicles.setup | Setup types of vehicles - to enable searches for staff member vehicles - Staff.Vehicles.Setup |
staff.modifystaff | Master Control Location for Staff Records |
staff.modifystaff.audit | Staff.Modify Staff.Audit |
staff.modifystaff.demographics | Staff.Modify Staff.Demographics |
staff.modifystaff.deographics.ssn | Control access to the staff member's SSN - Staff.Modify Staff.Demographics |
staff.modifystaff.employmentTracking | Staff Member Employment History - Staff.Modify Staff.Employment History |
staff.modifystaff.jobRoles | Staff Member's job role information for NJ SMART - Staff.Modify Staff.Job Roles |
staff.modifystaff.njsmartEval | Staff Member's NJ SMART Eval submission data /Eval Scores - Staff.Modify Staff.NJ SMART Evals |
staff.modifystaff.qualifications | The staff member's list of qualifications- Staff.Modify Staff.Qualifications |
staff.modifystaff.schools | The staff member's school assignments- Staff.Modify Staff.Schools |
staff.modifystaff.vehicles | The staff member's vehicles - Staff.Modify Staff.Vehicles |
standards.reports | Reports tab for the Standards Module - Standards.Reports |
standards.setup.search | Search for and possibly modify Standards - Standards.Setup.Search |
standards.setup.sets | View, Define, Manage Sets of Standards - Standards.Setup.Standards |
standards.setup.tools | Various Standards tools - Remove invalid standards from records - Standards.Setup.Tools |
studentdata.bulkChange | Mass Update fields in the student rcds - Student Data.Mass Change |
studentdata.data | Student Data.Data |
studentdata.editlists | Edit and manage your student lists - Student Data.Edit Lists |
studentdata.editlists.dynamicList | Create a dynamic (query-based) list - Student Data.Edit Lists |
studentdata.labels.labelLayouts | View, add and modify label layouts |
studentdata.labels.printLabels | Print Labels - Student Data.Labels.Print Labels |
studentdata.labels.templates | Setup new Avery Label templates, adjust existing ones |
studentdata.letters.importexport | Import/Export Student Letters |
studentdata.letters.printLabels | Print Letter Labels - Student Data. Letters.Print Letters |
studentdata.letters.printLetters | Print Letters - Student Data. Letters.Print Letters |
studentdata.letters.setup | Setup Student Data Letters - Student Data.Letters.Setup |
studentdata.lunch.setup | Configure Lunch Codes - Student Data.Lunch.Setup |
studentdata.lunch.dcimport | Direct Cert File Import |
studentdata.lunch | Free/Reduced Lunch Application - Student Data.Lunch |
studentdata.nextschool | Set Next School/Next Grade - Student Data.Next School Next Grade |
studentdata.njtesting.ask | Ignore – no longer used |
studentdata.njtesting.ask567 | Ignore – no longer used |
studentdata.njtesting.esl | Ignore – no longer used |
studentdata.njtesting.gepa | Ignore – no longer used |
studentdata.njtesting.hspa | Ignore – no longer used |
studentdata.passes | Create/Print Student Passes - Student Data.Passes |
studentdata.reports | Student Data-related reports - Student Data.Reports |
studentdata.show_504_link | Student Info Bar 504 Icon LINKS TO 504 document or to 3rd party application (e.g. IEP Direct) – all screens which have the student information bar at the top. |
studentdata.show_dcpp_icon | Display Student Info Bar DCPP (nee' DYFS) icon when applicable – all screens which have the student information bar at the top. |
studentdata.show_gifted_icon | Display Student Info Bar Gifted & Talented icon when applicable – all screens which have the student information bar at the top. |
studentdata.show_irs_icon | Display Student Info Bar I&RS icon when applicable – all screens which have the student information bar at the top. |
studentdata.show_iep_link | Student Info Bar IEP Icon: Allows user to LINK TO IEP (opens IEP document or 3rd party application ex: IEP Direct)– all screens which have the student information bar at the top. |
studentdata.studentlist | Standard Student Search |
studentdata.studentlist.addressSearch | Student Search by Address |
studentdata.studentlist.gradingSearch | Student Search by grades *Recently split into multiple locations as of 2018/2019 Note: If users have trouble viewing Grade Search, verify that all .gradingsearch locations have been deleted from the role, then add them back. |
studentdata.studentlist.gradingSearch.allschools studentdata.studentlist.gradingSearch.discrepancy studentdata.studentlist.gradingSearch.missing studentdata.studentlist.gradingSearch.search studentdata.studentlist.gradingSearch.summary | Student Search by grades in all schools (not just the currently selected school) Allow user to search grade discrepancies (posted does not match gradebook). Permission to search students with grades missing for specified collection. Access to the regular grade search. Access to Course Summary (view class average of posted grades). |
studentdata.tuition | |
studentdata.vehicles.search | Search for students with or w/out vehicles |
studentdata.vehicles.setup | Setup Vehicle tables - Student Data.Vehicles.Setup |
studentdata.modifystudent | ACCESS student records – Master Std Rcd Access Control |
studentdata.modifystudent.activities * New Locations - The screen Student Data -> Modify Student -> Awards has been moved under the Student Data -> Modify Student -> Transcript tab. The new securable location is studentdata.modifystudent.transcript.awards. This location has been automatically assigned to all roles that had the old location. - The screen Student Data -> Modify Student -> Activities has been moved under the Student Data -> Modify Student -> Transcript tab. The new securable location is studentdata.modifystudent.transcript.activities. This location has been automatically assigned to all roles that had the old location. | Activities student participated in - Student Data.Student.Activities |
studentdata.modifystudent.assessments | Student's Assessments screen - Student Data.Student.Assessments |
studentdata.modifystudent.athletics | Athletic participation - Student Data.Student.Athletics |
studentdata.modifystudent.attendance | Daily Attendance Calendar - Student Data.Student.Attendance |
studentdata.modifystudent.attendance.comments | View student's Attendance comments- Student Data.Student.Attendance |
studentdata.modifystudent.attendance.dnc | Controls access to the "DNC" "Do Not Call" checkbox on student's |
studentdata.modifystudent.audit | View tracking/audit for this student Student Data.Student.Audit |
studentdata.modifystudent.awards * New Locations - The screen Student Data -> Modify Student -> Awards has been moved under the Student Data -> Modify Student -> Transcript tab. The new securable location is studentdata.modifystudent.transcript.awards. This location has been automatically assigned to all roles that had the old location. - The screen Student Data -> Modify Student -> Activities has been moved under the Student Data -> Modify Student -> Transcript tab. The new securable location is studentdata.modifystudent.transcript.activities. This location has been automatically assigned to all roles that had the old location. | List of awards won - Student Data.Student.Awards |
studentdata.modifystudent.basicskills | |
studentdata.modifystudent.basicskills.programs | Basic Skills program rcds for student |
studentdata.modifystudent.basicskills.testing | Basic Skills testing rcds |
studentdata.modifystudent.busAssignments | Student Bus Information - Student Data.Student.Bus |
studentdata.modifystudent.classattendance.daily | ACCESS Class Attendance Screens |
studentdata.modifystudent.classattendance.period | Class Attendance calendars by period |
studentdata.modifystudent.classattendance.period.daily | Update Daily Attendance via the screen |
studentdata.modifystudent.classattendance.section | Class Attendance calendars by course section |
studentdata.modifystudent.classattendance.totals | Class Attendance Totals for Course Sections |
studentdata.modifystudent.conduct | ACCESS Conduct Screens |
studentdata.modifystudent.conduct.ed166 | State of Connecticut ED166 Conduct Information |
studentdata.modifystudent.conduct.listincidents | List and Create Conduct Incidents
studentdata.modifystudent.conduct.listincidents.actions | Review and add actions to incidents created by teachers.
studentdata.modifystudent.conduct.listincidents.descriptions | View infraction descriptions on incident - |
studentdata.modifystudent.conduct.listincidents.totalPoints | Controls access to the "Total Points" value on the |
| Schedule conferences for student, record notes. |
studentdata.modifystudent.conferences.notes | View, enter, manage conference notes |
studentdata.modifystudent.conferences.searchAvailable | ? |
studentdata.modifystudent.demographics | ACCESS Demographic Screens |
studentdata.modifystudent.demographics.addresses.override | |
Xstudentdata.modifystudent.demographics.addresses | OLD CONTACTS1 Location - Do NOT Use |
studentdata.modifystudent.demographics.categories | Additional information (e.g. ESL/LEP, Lunch, 504, locker) on std
studentdata.modifystudent.demographics.categories.a45 | Permission to view, print the student's A45 card - Student Data.Student. Demographics.Categories |
studentdata.modifystudent.demographics.categories.locker | Control locker combination fields on the Categories screen |
studentdata.modifystudent.demographics.categories.lunchpin | Permission to access student's Lunch Pin ? |
studentdata.modifystudent.demographics.categories.medical | Controls access to the "Insurance Provider" & "Has Med Insurance" medical insurance fields on the Student Data.Student.Demographics.Categories screen. This location has only "C" change and "I" inquire permissions – users can be prevented from seeing and/or changing the information. |
studentdata.modifystudent.demographics.childcare | After school child care information |
studentdata.modifystudent.demographics.contacts | Contacts – associated with addresses |
studentdata.modifystudent.demographics.contacts2 | Controls access to the new Contacts screens |
studentdata.modifystudent.demographics.contacts2.cards | Controls access to the Contacts "Contact Card" screen. |
studentdata.modifystudent.demographics.contacts2.edit | Controls access to the Contacts "Edit" screens. These are the screens where the contact information is actually edited. |
studentdata.modifystudent.demographics.contacts2.edit.addresses | Edit the physical addresses on Contacts - Student Data.Student.Demographics.Contacts2.Edit.Modify Contact |
studentdata.modifystudent.demographics.contacts2.edit.addressOverride | ? |
studentdata.modifystudent.demographics.contacts2.edit.photo | ? |
studentdata.modifystudent.demographics.contacts2.edit.zipFile | ? |
studentdata.modifystudent.demographics.contacts2.summary | Controls access to the new Contacts2 "Summary" screen. |
studentdata.modifystudent.demographics.contacts2.merge | Controls the "Merge" button on the Contacts2.Contact Card screen |
studentdata.modifystudent.demographics.contacts2.reconvert | Controls the "Reconvert" button on the Contacts2.Contact Card screen |
studentdata.modifystudent.demographics.family | Family code and custody status |
studentdata.modifystudent.demographics.required.SSN | Specific access to see and possibly change SSNs |
studentdata.modifystudent.demographics.required.schedulingTeam | Update student's scheduling Team setting - Student Data.Student.Demographics.Required |
studentdata.modifystudent.demographics.required.session | Set student's Kindergarten session - Student Data.Student.Demographics.Required |
studentdata.modifystudent.demographics.required.syncElemHR | Sync student's schedule to their elementary HR - Student Data.Student.Demographics.Required |
studentdata.modifystudent.demographics.required.yearOfGraduation | Set student's Year of Graduation - Student Data.Student.Demographics.Required |
studentdata.modifystudent.demographics.photo | Controls ability to upload photo via the Student Data.Student.Demographics.Required screen |
studentdata.modifystudent.demographics.required | Demographics Required screen |
studentdata.modifystudent.documents | Student's documents. Student Data.Student.Documents |
studentdata.modifystudent.documents.audit | View audit of updates to student's documents - function resides on Student Data.Student.Documents |
studentdata.modifystudent.eslleptesting | LEP test results - Student Data.Student.LEP Tests |
studentdata.modifystudent.feesandfines | Money owed by student Student Data.Student.FeesAndFines |
Xstudentdata.modifystudent.fines.payment | Pay a fine - Student Data.Student.Fines |
studentdata.modifystudent.gpa | Student's GPA records - Student Data.Student.GPA |
studentdata.modifystudent.gradebook | View Course Assignments and summaries |
studentdata.modifystudent.grades.addcourse | Control access to the "add course" function on the Transcript screen - Student Data.Student.Grades.Transcript |
studentdata.modifystudent.grades.elemSubjects | Control access to the "Elem Subjects" screen - elemetnary subject grades via the secondary grading system - Student Data.Student.Grades.Elem Subjects |
studentdata.modifystudent.grades.transcript | View Transcript - Student Data.Student.Grades.Transcript |
studentdata.modifystudent.grades | Academic History/Grades Student Data.Student.Grades |
studentdata.modifystudent.graduation | Student's graduation assessments and graduation information for NJ SMART - Student Data.Student.Graduation |
studentdata.modifystudent.honorroll | Record of honor rolls - Student Data.Student.Honor Roll |
studentdata.modifystudent.letters | Letters sent to student - Student Data.Student.Letters |
studentdata.modifystudent.medical | ACCESS to Medical Record screens |
studentdata.modifystudent.medical.athleticStatus | Access Student's Athletic Status screen |
studentdata.modifystudent.medical.forms | Access and read Student's Medically-related forms from the Parent Module - |
studentdata.modifystudent.medical.history | Disease and Injury history |
studentdata.modifystudent.medical.ihp | Student's Individualized Health Plans |
studentdata.modifystudent.medical.immunizations | Immunizations - Student Data.Student.Medical.Immunizations |
studentdata.modifystudent.medical.medications | Medications - Student Data.Student.Medical.Medications |
studentdata.modifystudent.medical.notes | Nurse's notes on student - Student Data.Student.Medical.Notes |
studentdata.modifystudent.medical.record | Medical Conditions/history |
studentdata.modifystudent.medical.record.addContacts | Control ability to update the Dentist, Doctor, Hospital contacts fields on the student's Health Record screen - Student Data.Student.Medical.Health Record |
studentdata.modifystudent.medical.record.textForMedicalIcon | Control ability to update the "Text for Medical Icon" field on the student's Health Record screen - Student Data.Student.Medical.Health Record |
studentdata.modifystudent.medical.screenings | Yearly screening data (ala NJ A45 form) |
studentdata.modifystudent.medical.visits | Record of student's visits to the nurse for the current school year |
studentdata.modifystudent.meritsdemerits | Record of the student's current year merit/demerit information |
studentdata.modifystudent.nextyearrequests | ACCESS to Next Year Request screens |
studentdata.modifystudent.nextyearrequests.academichistory | View the student's academic history (courses/grades) |
studentdata.modifystudent.nextyearrequests.currentrequests | View a list of the student's requests for next year courses |
studentdata.modifystudent.nextyearrequests.currentschedule | View the student's current year schedule |
studentdata.modifystudent.nextyearrequests.gradrequirements | Student's status vis-à-vis their Graduation Requirements |
studentdata.modifystudent.nextyearrequests.makerequest | Make a single course request |
studentdata.modifystudent.nextyearrequests.makerequest.parentrequests | View, integrate requests from the parents / students module - |
studentdata.modifystudent.nextyearrequests.multiplerequests | Request multiple courses at once |
studentdata.modifystudent.nextyearrequests.requestsummary | View a combination of all request-related information at once |
studentdata.modifystudent.nextyearscheduling | ACCESS to Next Year Schedule screens |
studentdata.modifystudent.nextyearscheduling.addclass | Add a course to the student's next year schedule |
studentdata.modifystudent.nextyearscheduling.analyzer | Schedules Analyzer/Individual Scheduler |
studentdata.modifystudent.nextyearscheduling.audit | View a list of changes to student's next year schedule |
studentdata.modifystudent.nextyearscheduling.dropclass | Drop a course from the student's next year schedule |
studentdata.modifystudent.nextyearscheduling.scheduler | Run the individual scheduler to schedule just this student |
studentdata.modifystudent.nextyearscheduling.viewschedule | View a student's next year course schedule |
studentdata.modifystudent.nextyearscheduling.viewschedule.team | |
studentdata.modifystudent.nextyearscheduling.viewschedule.lockCourseForSchedule | Grants change rights to lock courses. |
studentdata.modifystudent.nextyearrequests.currentrequests.lockRequest | Grants change rights to lock requests. |
studentdata.modifystudent.njsmart | Student's NJ Smart related data - Student Data.Student.NJ Smart |
studentdata.modifystudent.njsmart.collections | View collected NJ SMART data for various collections for this student - - Student Data.Student.NJ SMART.Collections |
studentdata.modifystudent.njsmart.settings | Various NJ SMART settings for this student - - Student Data.Student.NJ SMART.Settings |
studentdata.modifystudent.notes | Guidance counselor's notes on std - Student Data.Student.Notes |
studentdata.modifystudent.notes.administrator | Can view all student notes with this location- Student Data.Student.Notes |
studentdata.modifystudent.passes | Passes (scheduled passes) Student Data.Student.Passes |
studentdata.modifystudent.posthsplans | ACCESS to Post HS Planning screens plus summary of the student's post high plans |
Xstudentdata.modifystudent.posthsplans.college | Student's college interest, application and transcript tracking |
studentdata.modifystudent.previousSchools | Record of student's prior schools |
studentdata.modifystudent.rcparentaccess | Report card accesses by parents in the parent module Student Data.Student.Parent Access |
studentdata.modifystudent.reportcard | View student's report cards, current and historic - Student Data.Student.Report Cards |
studentdata.modifystudent.religious | Religious information for parochial schools - Student Data |
studentdata.modifystudent.scheduling | ACCESS to Current Year Scheduling screens |
studentdata.modifystudent.scheduling.addclass | Add a course to the student's schedule. This also controls whether or not the "Synchronize Schedule with HR" button that appears for Elementary Students on the Demographics.Required screen when the student's schedule & HR are out of synch (student is in the wrong classes for the HR). |
studentdata.modifystudent.scheduling.analyzer | Schedules Analyzer/Individual Scheduler |
studentdata.modifystudent.scheduling.audit | View the changes to a student's schedule We made a change to securable locations for the Student Data>Current Year Schedule>Audit location - "studentdata.modifystudent.scheduling.audit" |
studentdata.modifystudent.scheduling.currentrequests | |
studentdata.modifystudent.scheduling.dropclass | Drop a class from the student's schedule |
studentdata.modifystudent.scheduling.replace | Replace one course with another and transfer rpt card grades |
studentdata.modifystudent.scheduling.scheduler | Run the Individual Scheduler to schedule this student |
studentdata.modifystudent.scheduling.viewschedule | View the student's schedule either in list or block format |
studentdata.modifystudent.scheduling.viewschedule.lockCourseForSchedule | Grants change rights to lock courses. |
studentdata.modifystudent.scheduling.viewschedule.lockerCombolnPdf | Ability to export the student's schedule to PDF and also include the locker combination within the PDF |
studentdata.modifystudent.scheduling.viewschedule.team | Change a student's Team setting on |
studentdata.modifystudent.service | Access to the student Community Service tab. |
studentdata.modifystudent.service.opportunities | Access to the student Community Service screen, and its sub-tab "Opportunities" |
studentdata.modifystudent.service.requirements | Access to the student Community Service screen, and its sub-tab "Requirements" |
studentdata.modifystudent.service.tracking | Access to the student Community Service screen, and its sub-tab "Community Service Tracking" |
studentdata.modifystudent.schooltowork | Vocational school-to-work tracking - Student Data.Student.STW |
studentdata.modifystudent.specialed | ACCESS to Special Ed screens.
| Special Education Classifications for the student |
studentdata.modifystudent.specialed.classifications.transferPTC | Ability to alter the PTC setting for the student - Student Data.Student.Special Ed.Classifications. |
| Special Education Evaluations of this student |
studentdata.modifystudent.specialed.relatedservices | Records of Special Education Related Services for the student |
studentdata.modifystudent.sportseligibility | Student's Sports Elig status - Student Data.Student.Sports Elig. |
studentdata.modifystudent.sportsinterest | Student's record of interest - Student Data.Student.Sports Int. |
studentdata.modifystudent.statetests | Pre-label information for NJ State Tests |
studentdata.modifystudent.statetests.data | State Testing Data/parameters for student - |
studentdata.modifystudent.statetests.parcc | PARCC Accommodations settings for tests |
studentdata.modifystudent.testing | ACCESS to Testing (Test Score) Screens |
studentdata.modifystudent.testing.act | ACT test scores - Student Data.Student.Testing.ACT |
studentdata.modifystudent.testing.ap | AP test scores - Student Data.Student. Testing.AP |
studentdata.modifystudent.testing.psat | PSAT scores - Student Data.Student. Testing.PSAT |
studentdata.modifystudent.testing.sat | Old format SAT scores - Student Data.Student. Testing.SAT |
studentdata.modifystudent.testing.sat2 | New format SAT scores - Student Data.Student. Testing.SAT II |
studentdata.modifystudent.tracking | ACCESS Tracking Records and Screens |
| ESL/LEP tracking rcds - Student Data.Student.Tracking.ESL/LEP |
studentdata.modifystudent.tracking.log | Log - Student Data.Student.Tracking.Student Log |
| Lunch Tracking rcds - Student Data.Student.Tracking.Lunch |
studentdata.modifystudent.tracking.other | |
| Access to the "504" flag on the Student Data.Student.Demographics.Categories screen. No other function. |
studentdata.modifystudent.tracking.other.alternateEdProgram | Alternate Education Program tracking - Student Data.Student.Tracking.Other.Alternate Education Program |
studentdata.modifystudent.tracking.other.costofservices | Cost of Special Ed Svcs - Student Data.Student.Tracking.Other.Cost of Services |
studentdata.modifystudent.tracking.other.esy | Extended School Year Tracking - Student Data.Student.Tracking.Other.ESY |
studentdata.modifystudent.tracking.other.homebound | Homebound tracking rcds - Student Data.Student.Tracking.Other.Homebound |
studentdata.modifystudent.tracking.other.homeless | Homeless tracking rcds - Student Data.Student.Tracking.Other.Homeless |
studentdata.modifystudent.tracking.other.irs | I&RS tracking rcds - Student Data.Student.Tracking.Other.I and RS |
studentdata.modifystudent.tracking.other.residentDistrict | Resident District Tracking - Student Data.Student.Tracking.Other.Resident District |
studentdata.modifystudent.tracking.other.sharedtime | Shared Time - Student Data.Student.Tracking.Other.Shared Time |
studentdata.modifystudent.tracking.other.student504 | 504 Status Tracking - Student Data.Student.Tracking.Other.Student 504 |
studentdata.modifystudent.tracking.other.tuition | Tuition Tracking - Student Data.Student.Tracking.Other |
studentdata.modifystudent.tracking.specialed | Special Ed Tracking - Student Data.Student.Tracking.Special Ed |
studentdata.modifystudent.transcript | View the student's transcript - Student Data.Student.Transcript |
studentdata.modifystudent.transportationrequests | Student Transportation action requests Master Access Control Location- Student Data.Student.Transportation Requests |
studentdata.modifystudent.transportationrequests.list | List of the student's transportation action requests &create or delete a request - Student Data.Student.Transportation Requests.List |
studentdata.modifystudent.transportationrequests.modify | Modify a transportation action request - Student Data.Student.Transportation Requests.Modify |
studentdata.modifystudent.turnstile | View Event log records - - Student Data.Student.Turnstile |
studentdata.modifystudent.userflags | User defined yes/no flags - Student Data.Student.User Flags |
studentdata.modifystudent.usertext | User defined text fields - Student Data.Student.User Text |
studentdata.modifystudent.veds | Vocational Ed tracking rcds - Student Data.Student.VEDS |
studentdata.modifystudent.vehicles | Vehicle/Parking information - Student Data.Student.Vehicles |
transcript.print.form | Mass print transcripts - Transcript.Print Transcripts |
transcript.print.print | Mass print transcripts - Transcript. Print Transcripts |
transcript.reports | Transcript-related reports – Transcript.Reports |
transcript.setup.fields | Setup the fields on transcript form - Transcript.Setup.Fields |
transcript.setup.form | Upload PDF Transcript form - Transcript.Setup.Adobe PDF Forms |
turnstile.eventtracking.search | Search for & Display Check-In/Out togs. Turnstile.Event Tracking.Search |
turnstile.eventtracking.search.allEvents | If this location is removed, the user will only be able to search an event if it is tied to their user. |
turnstile.eventtracking.live | Turnstile Live "Whereabouts" Screen - Turnstile.Event Tracking.Turnstile Love |
turnstile.eventtracking.edittimes | Edit Event Times for existing Event Tracking Records - Turnstile.Event Tracking.Search |
turnstile.reports | Check In/Out Log reports Turnstile.Reports |
turnstile.setup | Setup a "Turnstile User" and "Turnstile mathematics.. |
turnstile.setup.advancecheckin | Do advanced check-in for Turnstile - Turnstile.Setup.Advance Checkin |
turnstile.setup.event | Setup a Turnstile Event / User Logon linkage - configure the user logon to scan for the selected Event - Turnstile.Setup.Event |
turnstile.studentscan | Scan/Check students in or out (or both). Turnstile.Scanning |
WebDesk.calendar | Personal Appointment Calendar |
WebDesk.portal | Personal Dashboard |
webdesk.reports | Reports for the WebDesk/Home module |
webdesk.setup | Master Control Location for setting the user's WebDesk Home Dashboard or multiple users' dashbaords - |
webdesk.setup.conferences | Access the user's WebDesk conference calendar - WebDesk.Setup.Conference Setup Wizard |
webdesk.setup.conferences.admin | Mass create conferences for multiple users |
webdesk.setup.conferencetracking | Track user's conference sign ups |
webdesk.setup.confrerencetracking.admin | Track conference sign ups for multiple users |
webdesk.setup.home.admin | Administer WebDesk setup for multiple users (not just the current user) - WebDesk.Setup |
webdesk.setup.home.alldatapeeps | Give the user access to view/add/use all "data peeps" for all of the user types - |
webdesk.webpages |
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