State Assessment Registration Submission

Modified on Tue, Oct 22, 2024 at 12:08 PM

This is found via NJ>NJ Smart>Snapshots.

This submission will collect the registration information of students participating in the NJSLA, ACCESS 2.0, and DLM assessments.

Students will appear up to two times in the submission- once for ELA and once for Math.

Each row will represent the tests a student is taking for each subject; ELA and Math. A student may not appear twice in the file for the same subject.

If a student is taking multiple assessments for a subject it will be reflected in the StateAssessmentName in the submission file.

For each subject assessment a student is taking, they will be assigned a StateAssessmentName (NJSmart Field Number 305) automatically by Genesis.

The StateAssessmentName will define which assessment or assessments a student will be taking for this subject.

Genesis will automatically assign this value for each student.

StateAssessmentName values are as follows:

NJSmart Code

NJSmart Description

Subject Breakdown

May appear in Subject line

Genesis determination



Taking only the NJSLA for ELA or MATH assessment


Must be In Grades 3-12 (If in 12th must have valid NJSLA Test Code).

For the ELA subject line of the collection, student must not be marked for "DLM Tested Lang. Arts (ELA)" on the State Tests tab.

For the Math subject line, student must not be marked "DLM Tested Math" on the State Tests tab..


ACCESS for ELLs 2.0

Taking only the Access for ELA for ELA assessment

ELA Only

Student must be marked as "Taking the ACCESS for ELLs 2.0" as well as having "EXELA" on the State Tests tab

Note: Student also marked for "DLM Tested Lang. Arts (ELA)" will NOT receive a StateAssessmentName of 2.  



Taking only DLM for ELA or MATH


State Testing fields; "DLM Tested Lang. Arts (ELA)" and "DLM Tested Math".


ACCESS for ELLs 2.0 and DLM

Taking Access for ELA and DLM for MATH

ELA Only

Student must be marked for both "Taking the ACCESS for ELLs 2.0"  and "DLM Tested Lang. Arts (ELA)" on the State Tests tab.


PARCC and ACCESS for ELLs 2.0

Taking Access for ELA and PARCC for MATH

ELA Only

Student must both qualify for NJSLA and be marked "Taking the ACCESS for ELLs 2.0" on the State Tests tab.

Students who do not qualify for any assessment will be left off of the collection. All other students who qualify for SID Management will be included.

Other fields of interest in collection:

NJSmart Field

Required for StateAssessesmentName



An indication of the state assessment administration period.

FA = NJSLA Fall Block (High School ELA/L and Math assessments only)

SU = NJSLA Summer Administration (High School ELA/L and Math assessments only)

SP = NJSLA Spring Administration (All ELA/L, Math, and Science assessments) and NJ Graduation Proficiency

Assessment (NJGPA)

NJ = ACCESS for ELLs or DLM Spring Administration




1, 2, 4, 5

Comes from the school student is enrolled in.  If student is in a OOD school and has an IEP or Tuition record with a CDS filled in, then that CDS will become the StateAssessmentTestingSiteDistrict.  If student has "Override Testing Site CDS" filled in on StateTesting tab then this will become StateAssessmentTestingSiteDistrict.




1, 3, 4, 5

Genesis will populate these fields from the School that a student is currently enrolled in in Genesis.  These may be manually populated by filling out the "Override Responsible/Accountable Site CDS" field on a student's State Testing Data tab.

There are two additional options that may be set that alters how the Accountable fields are populated for students in a OOD school.  They are:

  • "Use the Resident District Tracking for OOD student StateAssessmentAccountableDistrict and StateAssessmentAccountableSchool fields"
  • "Use the Home School for OOD student StateAssessmentAccountableDistrict and StateAssessmentAccountableSchool fields"

Both can be set from the NJSmart Snapshot screen.


The code for the specific language or dialect that the student uses to communicate at home.


An indication if the student is a Multilingual Learner (ML). ML is synonymous with English Learner or English Language Learner for purposes of this collection.

Field is mandatory if StateAssessmentName = 1 (NJSLA/NJGPA), 2 (ACCESS for ELLs 2.0), 4 (ACCESS for ELLs 2.0 and DLM) or 5 (NJSLA/NJGPA and ACCESS for ELLs 2.0). Field can remain blank if StateAssessmentName = 3 (DLM).


An indication that a Multilingual Learner (ML) student is served by a LIEP supported with Title III of ESEA funds.


An indication that the student is participating in and served by a Gifted/Talented program.

Field is mandatory if StateAssessmentName = 3 (DLM)or 4 (ACCESS for ELLs 2.0 and DLM).

Field can remain blank if StateAssessmentName = 1 (NJSLA/NJGPA), 2 (ACCESS for ELLs) or 5 (NJSLA/NJGPA and ACCESS for ELLs).


Field is mandatory if StateAssessmentName = 1 (NJSLA/NJGPA), 2 (ACCESS for ELLs 2.0), 4 (ACCESS for ELLs 2.0

and DLM) or 5 (NJSLA/NJGPA and ACCESS for ELLs 2.0).

Field can remain blank if StateAssessmentName = 3 (DLM).


An indication that the student met the State criteria for classification as having an economic disadvantage.

Field is mandatory if StateAssessmentName = 1 (NJSLA/NJGPA) or 5 (NJSLA/NJGPA and ACCESS for ELLs 2.0).

Field can remain blank if StateAssessmentName = 2 (ACCESS for ELLs 2.0), 3 (DLM) or 4 (ACCESS for ELLs 2.0 and DLM).


An indication that a student is receiving services under Section 504 of the Rehabilitation Act or the Individuals with Disabilities Education Act.

Flagged based on the existence of a student 504 or IEP and at least one accommodation in the "IEP/504 ACCOMMODATIONS" section of the student's NJSLA Accommodation tabs.

Field is mandatory if StateAssessmentName = 1 (NJSLA/NJGPA), 2 (ACCESS for ELLs 2.0), 4 (ACCESS for ELLs 2.0

and DLM) or 5 (NJSLA/NJGPA and ACCESS for ELLs 2.0).

Field can remain blank if StateAssessmentName = 3 (DLM).


Field is mandatory for all students who have a special education classification.

An indication of the disability category for which the student is eligible for special education services (IDEA).



An indication that the student is a Multilingual Learner (ML) in their first year of enrollment in United States schools; and therefore, the student is not required to participate in the English language arts test section.

Field is mandatory if StateAssessmentName = 1 (NJSLA/NJGPA) or 5 (NJSLA/NJGPA and ACCESS for ELLs 2.0).

Field can remain blank if StateAssessmentName = 2 (ACCESS for ELLs 2.0), 3 (DLM) or 4 (ACCESS for ELLs 2.0 and DLM).

Y or N.  Y filled in if student has EXELA in NJSLA ELA Test Code field.  Student must also have been in US School less than a year from the start of the collection period.  Date determination will use the Date Entry US School (or original entry in district if this is blank)


Field is mandatory if StateAssessmentName = 1 (NJSLA/NJGPA) or 5 (NJSLA/NJGPA and ACCESS for ELLs 2.0).

Field can remain blank if StateAssessmentName = 2 (ACCESS for ELLs 2.0),3 (DLM) or 4 (ACCESS for ELLs 2.0 and DLM).


This is marked yes ONLY for a high school student who has an IEP who is taking the NJSLA and whose IEP states that he or she is NOT REQUIRED to MEET the state assessment proficiency requirement in order to graduate with a diploma.

Field is mandatory for ELA and Math TestCodes if StateAssessmentName = 1 (NJSLA/NJGPA) or 5 (NJSLA/NJGPA and ACCESS for ELLs 2.0).

Field can remain blank if StateAssessmentName = 2 (ACCESS for ELLs 2.0), 3 (DLM) or 4 (ACCESS for ELLs 2.0 and DLM).

NJMLStatusField is mandatory for students with TitleIIIMLStatus equal Y AND/OR MultilingualLearner equal ‘Y’. 

An indication of whether or not a student is a current Multilingual learner (ML) enrolled in a LIEP, a current ML whose parents have refused LIEP placement, or a former ML.


Field is mandatory for all students who were declassified in one of the last two school years.

An indication of whether or not a student was formerly classified as eligible for special education and related

services that exited special education within two years of assessment in which the student is participating.


Field is mandatory for all students who are eligible for special education, have an IEP at the time of this

submission and who are taking the NJSLA or DLM. Field can remain blank if StateAssessmentName = 2 (ACCESS for ELLs).

The placement group in which the student with the disability is currently receiving special education and related services.


Field is mandatory for all students who are taking ACCESS for ELLs.

The month, day, and year of an ELL student’s initial enrollment into a United States school, regardless of country of origin. This field will be used for ACCESS for ELLs 2.0 and NJSLA


Field is optional.

Indication of whether ML accommodations are needed for a given assessment.


Field is required if TestFormat = P, StateAssessmentName = 2, 4, or 5, and GradeLevel does not equal DH, DF, KH,

KF, or PF.

This field indicates Tier information, if known, for Paper Tests. This field will be used for ACCESS for ELLs 2.0 only


Field is mandatory if Homeless = “Y1” or “Y2”.

An indication of the nighttime residence for homeless students.



Fields are now optional regardless of StateAssessmentNameThe fields can be filled out from Student Data>Modify Student>State Testing.  May be mass set from NJ>NJSmart>Tools



Field is mandatory if StateAssessmentName = 1 (NJSLA/NJGPA) or 5 (NJSLA/NJGPA and ACCESS for ELLs 2.0), UNLESS MLExemptFromTakingELA is Y, then TestAdministrator is optional.

Field can remain blank if StateAssessmentName = 2 (ACCESS for ELLs), 3 (DLM) or 4 (ACCESS for ELLs 2.0 and DLM).

The fields can be filled out from Student Data>Modify Student>State Testing. May be mass set from NJ>NJSmart>Tools



Field is mandatory if StateAssessmentName = 1 (NJSLA/NJGPA) or 5 (NJSLA/NJGPA and ACCESS for ELLs 2.0), UNLESS MLExemptFromTakingELA is Y, then StaffMemberAssigned is optional. Field can remain blank if StateAssessmentName = 2 (ACCESS for ELLs), 3 (DLM) or 4 (ACCESS for ELLs 2.0 and DLM).

The fields can be filled out from Student Data>Modify Student>State Testing. May be mass set from NJ>NJSmart>Tools



Uses "NJSLA ELA Test Code" and "NJSLA Math Test Code" from StateTesting to start. Further logic is applied based on value of student's StateAssessesmentName.

If StateAssessesmentName is 2 (access for ELL), the ELA TestCode will automatically populate with EXEK2 for K-2 and EXELA for all others.

If StateAssessesmentName is 3 (DLM) Math TestCode will be set to MATNT and ELA TestCode will be set to ELANT.

If StateAssessesmentName is 4 (ACCESS for ELLs 2.0 and DLM) ELA TestCode will be set to ELANT. (njsmart will accept either ELANT or EXELA)

If ELA TestCode is EXELA, StateAssessmentName = 1 (NJSLA/NJGPA) or 5 (NJSLA/NJGPA and ACCESS for ELLs 2.0), and student is in Grade Levels 03-09 and 11, MLExemptFromTakingELA must = Y.


Identifies the format the student will be using to take the test.

Field is mandatory if StateAssessmentName = 1 (NJSLA/NJGPA), 2 (ACCESS for ELLs 2.0), 4 (ACCESS for ELLs 2.0 and DLM) or 5 (NJSLA/NJGPA and ACCESS for ELLs 2.0). Field can remain blank if StateAssessmentName = 3 (DLM).


Indicates if the student is retaking the English Language Arts (ELA) and/or Math assessment.

Field is mandatory if StateAssessmentName = 1 (NJSLA/NJGPA) or 5 (NJSLA/NJGPA and ACCESS for ELLs 2.0).

Field can remain blank if StateAssessmentName = 2 (ACCESS for ELLs 2.0),3 (DLM) or 4 (ACCESS for ELLs 2.0 and DLM).


Indicates whether this is the required high school mathematics assessment as defined for federal accountability. Please see the NJSmart handbook for more info.

Field is mandatory if Grade Level = 09, 10, 11 or 12 and StateAssessmentName = 1 (NJSLA/NJGPA) or 5

(NJSLA/NJGPA and ACCESS for ELLs 2.0) and TestCode= ALG01, ALG02, or GEO01.

Field can remain blank if StateAssessmentName = 2 (ACCESS for ELLs 2.0),3 (DLM) or 4 (ACCESS for ELLs 2.0 and DLM) or TestCode corresponds to an ELA assessment, Test Code= MAT03- MAT08, or TestCode = ALG01, ALG02

or GEO01 and Grade Level is not 09, 10, 11, or 12.

Accommodation fields 270 - 297 - such as FrequentBreaks, AlternateLocation etc

1, 5

The fields can be filled out from Student Data>Modify Student>State Testing>NJSLA Accommodations.  NJSmart field numbers can be seen next to the corresponding accommodations on the screen.

Additional Options available when running the extract:

Options you can check off before running on the NJ>NJSmart>Snapshots screen:

  • Only report student ELA test line (omit MATH/SCI).
  • Only report student MATH test line (omit ELA/SCI).
  • Only report student SCIENCE test line (omit ELA/MATH)
  • Only report student in grades 3-8 and 11 as taking DLM regardless of checked DLM Tested Lang Arts/Math flags on student State Testing tab.
  • Do not create a State Assessment Registration Math report line for students with State Testing 'Exempt Taking Math' checked.
  • Do not create a State Assessment Registration ELA report line for students with State Testing 'Exempt Taking Lang. (ELA)' checked.
  • Use the Home School for OOD student StateAssessmentAccountableDistrict and StateAssessmentAccountableSchool fields
  • Use the Resident District Tracking for OOD student StateAssessmentAccountableDistrict and StateAssessmentAccountableSchool fields
  • Use the Resident District Tracking for ALL student StateAssessmentAccountableDistrict and StateAssessmentAccountableSchool fields

Frequently Asked Questions

Q: How do I exclude a student from NJSLA?

A:  For Math, you may simply blank out the student's NJSLA Test Code. Exemption codes work as well. Students taking the DLM assessments will automatically not generate a NJSLA line, so a DLM ELA taker, for example, will not generate an ELA subject line.

For Math, you may also run NJSmart with the option “Do not create a State Assessment Registration Math report line for students with State Testing 'Exempt Taking Math' checked” checked to exclude students with 'Exempt Taking Math' checked off.

Q:  How do I enter a student ONLY taking the ACCESS for ELL 2.0 ELA assessment

A: You will need to populate the NJSLA ELA Test Code with EXELA

Q: How do I enter info, such as 'examiner,' to my students?

A: There are 4 spots districts can do this:

  1. Individually for kids via Student Data>Modify Student>State Tests>State Testing Data
  2. With student lists via Student Data>Mass Change
  3. Using one of many tools via NJ>NJSmart>Tools (there are many different options, as districts have different ways of assigning info etc.)
  4. With an excel file, should you have it, using the StateTestingData excel template via Core>Import. (Districts would need to add the actual info to the excel template itself, of course.)

Q: Can I update any info en masse?

A: We have tools via NJ>NJSmart>Tools you may review and then run, if necessary.

You can also utilize Student Data>Mass Change with student lists.

Q: How can I mark a student as "TitleIIIELLStatus"?

A: You would do this via Student Data>Modify Student>Tracking>ELL, using the "Participation Code" dropdown.

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