There are various SID Management extracts.
SID Management Student Data - Which runs your SID managements as of today.
2023 End Of Year SID Management - Which runs SID management as of the last day of school in the listed school year (regardless of summer transfers or rollover)
2024 Fall SID Management (includes Current, Graduates and Summer Withdrawals) - Which includes Current, Graduates and Summer Withdrawals 8/30/2024 SID Graduation Snapshot - Which includes all inactive class of 2024 regular and summer graduates from the class of 2024 and all active students who were expected to graduate with the class of 2024 but did not graduate.
- How CDS Receiving and Attending is Set
- How to set the Title I Indicator field
- How Attendance is Calculated for NJSmart
What students are included in this collection:
All students or Students that entered/left on specified date when running the collection. See NJ Smart FAQ for more info.
Our NJ Smart & State Reporting Training Videos can be found here.
Entered/Left Date Option
You have the option of filling out an entered/left date. This will make the collection show only students that have entered or left a program after the selected date.
Where do we collect this info in Genesis?
This is located on NJ>NJ Smart>Snapshots.
Where are the NJ Smart Fields in Genesis?
DOE# | Name | Student Data Tab | Notes | ||||||||||||||
1 | LocalIdentificationNumber | Demographics.Required | Student IDs can only be changed on the Admin.Students.Change Student ID screen | ||||||||||||||
2 | StateIdentificationNumber | Demographics.Required | Field is mandatory for all students, including Non-Public students. Leave this field blank for students that have not been issued a SID. When submitted, a new unique SID will be generated and issued for this student. | ||||||||||||||
3 | FirstName | Demographics.Required | |||||||||||||||
4 | MiddleName | Demographics.Required | |||||||||||||||
5 | LastName | Demographics.Required | |||||||||||||||
6 | GenerationCodeSuffix | Demographics.Required | |||||||||||||||
7 | Gender | Demographics.Required | The student’s identified gender. There is now a Gender code of 'X - Non-Binary/Undesignated' in NJSmart. You do not need to add a matching 'X' to your gender codes in Genesis. The way we will handle the 'X' code is any student who has a Gender Code not equal to 'M' or 'F' will be reported to NJSmart as an 'X'. So, for example, if you have added a 'P - Pangender' to your system, we will output any students coded as such as an 'X.' If needed for your district, you may add additional codes to the "GENDER_PREFERENCE" table in Setup>Codes and the logic above will apply as you extract SID. | ||||||||||||||
8 | DateOfBirth | Demographics.Required | |||||||||||||||
9 | CityOfBirth | Demographics.Required | The name of the city or town (or comparable unit) in which the student was born. | ||||||||||||||
10 | StateOfBirth | Demographics.Required | The name of the state in which the student was born. | ||||||||||||||
11 | CountryOfBirth | Demographics.Required | Field is mandatory for all foreign-born students. Not required for US-born students and is optional for NonPublic students and shared time vocational school students being reported by the vocational school. | ||||||||||||||
13 | Ethnicity | Demographics.Required | From the NJSmart handbook - "In 2007, USED issued guidance on how education institutions and other recipients must collect and maintain race and ethnicity data on students and staff, and on how these data must be aggregated and reported to USED." | ||||||||||||||
14 | RaceAmericanIndian | Demographics.Required | |||||||||||||||
15 | RaceAsian | Demographics.Required | |||||||||||||||
16 | RaceBlack | Demographics.Required | |||||||||||||||
17 | RacePacific | Demographics.Required | |||||||||||||||
18 | RaceWhite | Demographics.Required | |||||||||||||||
21 | DistrictStatus | Tracking.Registration | The student’s current enrollment status within a district. A student cannot be reported with an Active School Status and an Inactive District Status | ||||||||||||||
46 | EnrollmentType | Tracking.Other.SharedTime | The amount of the school day a student is in attendance at the school listed as “attending school” for the student. | ||||||||||||||
22-24 | CountyCodeResident DistrictCodeResident SchoolCodeResident | Tracking.Other.Resident | The resident school in which a student would attend based upon their permanent or other home address. This school code is unique for each school within each district. Students who have naturally transitioned to a Regional School will use CDS of Regional school (unless marked with a tuition record) Collected state-responsible student tuition students will be set to 21-8909-100 or 21-8501-024 if paid for by DCS | ||||||||||||||
25 | DistrictEntryDate | Demographics.Required | The year, month, and day on which a student is enrolled in the district. | ||||||||||||||
64-66 | CountyCodeReceiving DistrictCodeReceiving SchoolCodeReceiving | NJSmart.SIDSnapshot.Overrides Demographics.Required Tracking.Other.Tuition SpecialEd.IEP (see section below for more) | The New Jersey county, district, and school code in which the student is received in a sending/receiving relationship. | ||||||||||||||
26-28 | CountyCodeAttending DistrictCodeAttending SchoolCodeAttending | NJSmart.SIDSnapshot.Overrides Demographics.Required SpecialEd.IEP Tracking.Other.Tuition (see section below for more) | The county, district, and school codes for which the student is attending school.
| ||||||||||||||
34 | YearOfGraduation | Demographics.Required | The projected year of the student’s high school graduation. Date must correspond to when the student is expected to graduate high school; date should not be for when the student is expected to complete elementary or middle school. | ||||||||||||||
29 | SchoolEntryDate | Demographics.Required Tracking.Registration | The year, month, and day on which a student is enrolled in their attending school. If student has a REENTERED Attendance Record; then that becomes the SchoolEntryDate. This date represents the first date of attendance for the student (as opposed to registration date). In the case of students who have entered, left, and re-entered the school, this date represents the most recent entry date into the school. | ||||||||||||||
30 | SchoolExitDate | Demographics.Required Tracking.Registration | The year, month and day of the first day after the date the student last attended school when the student exits during the school year. Field is mandatory for all students with SchoolStatus = “I”. Field should be NULL for students reported with SchoolStatus = “A”. Error will occur if SchoolExitDate is listed without a SchoolExitWithdrawalCode | ||||||||||||||
31 | SchoolExitWithdrawalCode | Demographics.Required Tracking.Registration | An indication of the reason why the student exited from membership in the school during the school year. Field is mandatory for all students with SchoolStatus = “I”. Codes must conform to NJDOE codes above or error will occur. | ||||||||||||||
67 | TuitionCode | Tracking.Other.Tuition | An indicator of the source of payment for a student.
| ||||||||||||||
45 | FreeandReducedRateLunchStatus | Tracking.Lunch | The flags for the lunch codes are configured on the screen Student Data.Lunch.Setup | ||||||||||||||
32 | GradeLevel | Demographics.Required Tracking.Registration | The grade level or primary level of instruction a student receives in a school or an educational institution during a given academic session. | ||||||||||||||
33 | ProgramTypeCode | Demographics.Required Tracking.Registration | The primary program of instruction for the student. | ||||||||||||||
68 | Retained | Demographics.Categories | An indication that the student is repeating their current grade level. | ||||||||||||||
47 | SpecialEdClassification | SpecialEd.IEP | The outcome of eligibility assessment for special education and related services.
If Use on NJSMART SpecEd is set to NO on the student's IEP, then SpecEdClassification will NOT be reported. | ||||||||||||||
445 | DeclassificationSPEDDate | SpecialEd.IEP | The year, month, and day on which the student is no longer considered eligible as a student with a disability according to N.J.A.C. 6A: 14-3.5(c) or 3.6(a). | ||||||||||||||
449 | EligibleforLIEP | Tracking.ML | An indication that the student has undergone the Multilingual Learner (ML) identification process and whether, on the submission snapshot date, the student was eligible or ineligible for placement in a language instruction educational program (LIEP). | ||||||||||||||
69 | LIEPStartDate | Tracking.ML | The year, month, and day on which a student is identified by the district as being in need of English language learner (ELL) services and/or a program based on multiple criteria as defined by N.J.A.C. 6A:15-1.10. This includes students being served in a language assistance program as well as students whose parents have refused language assistance program services. | ||||||||||||||
70 | LIEPEndDate | Tracking.ML | The year, month, and day on which a student successfully completes an English language learner (ELL) program or is determined to no longer be in need of ELL services and/or a program based on multiple criteria as defined by N.J.A.C. 6A:15-1.10. Field is mandatory for all students who have successfully completed an ELL program or have been determined to no longer need ELL services and/or a program. This field is optional for shared time vocational school students being reported by the vocational school. | ||||||||||||||
450 | LIEPStartDate2 | Tracking.ML | The year, month, and day on which a student reenters a language instruction educational program (LIEP) after having exited multilingual learner status. | ||||||||||||||
451 | LIEPEndDate2 | Tracking.ML | The year, month, and day on which the student exits a language instruction educational program (LIEP) for the second time because the student was determined to no longer needs a LIEP or because the student's parent(s) removed the student from the LIEP. | ||||||||||||||
452 | LIEPParentRefusalDate | Tracking.ML | The year, month, and day on which a parent refused language instruction educational program (LIEP) for the student who was identified as eligible, regardless of whether the student had been served by an LIEP prior to the parent's refusal. | ||||||||||||||
452 | ELPScreenerDate | ML (ELL) | The year, month, and day on which a student was given the state-approved English Language Proficiency (ELP) screener. Pulls from the Student Data>Modify Student>ML>List Tests test date - OR - An override date can be set via Student Data>Modify Student>NJSmart>NJSmart Student Fields | ||||||||||||||
195 | NonPublic | Demographics.Categories SpecialEd.IEP | An indication of whether or not a student is receiving or not receiving services under an individual service plan when that student has been parentally placed into a sectarian or non-sectarian private school and also has been determined eligible for special education and related services. REC = Yes, student has been determined eligible and is receiving services NREC = Yes, student has been determined eligible, but is not receiving services [blank] = Leave element blank if student is not special education and not parentally placed in a privateschool see NJ Smart FAQ for info on how to mark a student Non Public | ||||||||||||||
108 | ResidentMunicipalCode | Demographics.Required | The resident municipality of the student. The code is unique to the municipality as defined by the NJ Department of the Treasury. | ||||||||||||||
220 | MilitaryConnectedStudentIndicator | Demographics.Categories | An indication that the student’s parent or guardian is on Active Duty, in the National Guard, or in the Reserve components of the United States military services. • 1 = Not Active Military Connected: Student is a dependent of someone not in the full-time, Active Duty Forces (Army, Navy, Airforce, Marine Corps, Coast Guard). • 2 = Active Military Connected: Student is a dependent of a member of the full-time, Active Duty Forces (Army, Navy, Airforce, Marine Corps, Coast Guard or is a dependent of a member on Full-Time National Guard Duty). • 3 = National Guard or Reserve Connected: Student is a dependent of a member of the National Guard (not full-time duty) or Reserve Forces (Army, Navy, Air Force, Marine Corps, or Coast Guard). • 4 = Unknown: It is unknown whether or not the student is military-connected. | ||||||||||||||
332 | ELAGraduationPathwayIndicator | Graduation | An indication if and how a student met the graduation assessment requirements. Districts are required to annually report this information under N.J.A.C. 6A:8-5.2(f). From the NJ Smart SID Mgmt Handbook - Field is mandatory for all active students with the Grade Level of 12, all inactive students with the School Exit Withdrawal Code = L, and all students with a Biliterate value of Y. Pathway to graduation information is not required for Non-Public Students and shared time vocational school students being reported by the vocational school | ||||||||||||||
333 | MathGraduationPathwayIndicator | Graduation | An indication if and how a student met the graduation assessment requirements. Districts are required to annually report this information under N.J.A.C. 6A:8-5.2(f). From the NJ Smart SID Mgmt Handbook - Field is mandatory for all active students with the Grade Level of 11 or 12 and all students with School Exit Withdrawal Code = L. Pathway to graduation information is not required for Non-Public Students and shared time vocational school students being reported by the vocational school. | ||||||||||||||
390 | InDistrictPlacement | Demographics.Categories | In district placement type to indicate the reason for the placement when a student is attending a school that is not his/her resident school within his/her resident district. From the NJ Smart SID Mgmt Handbook - Field is mandatory is a student is attending a non-resident school within their resident district and their resident school offers the student's Grade Level. From the NJ Smart SID Mgmt Handbook - In district placement type to indicate when a student is attending a school that is not his/her resident school within his/her resident district.
Note: If set on Categories page, field will only populate SID Mgmt. records where the student's Resident and Attending schools are different (ex: student transfers from their own resident school to a non-resident school within the district). | ||||||||||||||
391 | LanguageInstructionEducationalProgram | Tracking.ML | The course in which an English language learner is placed in order to develop and attain English proficiency while meeting challenging State academic standards. LanguageInstructionEducationalProgram is translated from the Program field, which is set on a student's ELL Tracking record. The method for translating the options in Genesis to the codes used in NJSmart reporting are as follows:
Note: Per NJSmart, if student's LIEP code 1-5, then the LIEPLanguageOfInstruction must be populated with a language code. This is a new field also on the student's ELL Tracking record. | ||||||||||||||
402 | Biliterate | Assessments.WorldLanguageAssessments | An indication if graduating high school seniors achieved passing scores on both a World Language Assessment and an English Assessment to demonstrate they are biliterate as defined by the NJDOE. (populates for Grade 12 students only) Seal of Biliteracy is earned when a student has both passed a World Language Assessment and has met ELA Requirements for Graduation. | ||||||||||||||
403 | WorldLanguageAssessment | Assessments.WorldLanguageAssessments | The World Language Assessment taken by the student, other than English language assessment. Field is mandatory for 12th grade students that have a “Y” in the field of Biliterate. There is a new tab under Student>Modify Student>Assessments called "World Language Assessment". You may enter in assessments that have been taken into this screen of purposes of the new NJSmart requirement. The screen also calculates whether or not a student is Biliterate. Students will be considered Biliterate if the have a both a passing World Language Assessment and have met ELA Assessment Graduation requirements. | ||||||||||||||
404 | WorldLanguagesAssessed | Assessments.WorldLanguageAssessments | The specific language other than English that is being assessed. | ||||||||||||||
408 | GiftedAndTalented | Demographics.Categories | The student has been identified as a gifted and talented student or twice-exceptional as defined by the Strengthening Gifted and Talented Education Law (18A:35-35) You can mark a student as Gifted/Talented via Student Data>Modify Student>Demographics>Categories. It is also an option in Student Data>Mass Change. | ||||||||||||||
419 | StudentLearningEnvironment | NJSmart.NJSmartStudentFields | The chosen method for delivering instruction to the student - fulltime on premises, hybrid (partial in person on premises/partial remote), or fulltime remote. Further, denote whether the student is fulltime remote due to parental or guardian choice or fulltime remote because the district has not yet offered the student another option. They may also be mass-set from the Student Data > Mass Change tab. | ||||||||||||||
414 | RemoteDaysPresent | Attendance.AttendanceCalendar | The number of days a student attended school from a remote learning environment during the annual reporting period from July 1 through June 30. | ||||||||||||||
437 | RemoteDaysAbsent | Attendance.AttendanceCalendar | The number of days a student is absent and scheduled to receive instruction in a remote learning environment (i.e., offsite of the school’s premises) during the annual reporting period from July 1 through June 30. | ||||||||||||||
417 | StudentInternetConnectivity | NJSmart.NJSmartStudentFields | Identify the mechanism for home internet connectivity for the student. You can set this via Student Data>Modify Student>NJ Smart>NJ Smart Student Fields. You can also use Student Data>Mass Change. | ||||||||||||||
415 | StudentDeviceOwner | NJSmart.NJSmartStudentFields | These fields can be found on the student's NJSmart > NJSmart Student Fields tab. They may also be mass-set from the Student Data > Mass Change tab. | ||||||||||||||
416 | StudentDeviceType | NJSmart.NJSmartStudentFields | These fields can be found on the student's NJSmart > NJSmart Student FIelds tab. They may also be mass-set from the Student Data > Mass Change tab. | ||||||||||||||
430 | FederalHSMathTestingReq | NJSmart.NJSmartStudentFields | This field indicates whether a student has met the federal requirement to take Algebra I (or one of the exceptions noted below) while in high school. This data element will collect information on if a 12th grade student has met the federal requirement to take Algebra I or one of the exceptions outlined in the Handbook. This field is required for active students with Grade Level of 12 and inactive students with School Exit Withdrawal Code = L for the EOY Snapshot. These new fields can be found on the student's NJSmart > NJSmart Student Fields tab. They may also be mass-set from the Student Data > Mass Change tab. Default: Value will be reported as code "A" for students in grade 12 who have a Mathematics Graduation Pathway code of "S" if Federal HS Math Req is blank. | ||||||||||||||
431 | IEPGraduationCourseRequirement | NJSmart.NJSmartStudentFields | An indication of whether a student with a disability did not meet the state course requirement component of the NJDOE graduation requirements because of an exemption or modification contained in their Individualized Education Program (IEP). Field is required for both active and inactive students with a Grade Level of 12 and a Special Education Classification of 01-17. Field is not required for Non-public students. These new fields can be found on the student's NJSmart > NJSmart Student Fields tab. They may also be mass-set from the Student Data > Mass Change tab. | ||||||||||||||
432 | IEPGraduationAttendance | NJSmart.NJSmartStudentFields | An indication of whether a student with a disability did not meet the local attendance requirement component of the NJDOE graduation requirements because of an exemption or modification contained in their Individualized Education Program (IEP). Field is required for both active and inactive students with a Grade Level of 12 and a Special Education Classification of 01-17. Field is not required for Non-public students. These new fields can be found on the student's NJSmart > NJSmart Student Fields tab. They may also be mass-set from the Student Data > Mass Change tab. | ||||||||||||||
433 | LIEPLanguageOfInstruction | Tracking.ML | The language of instruction for the Language Instruction Educational Program (LIEP) course in which an Multilingual Learner (ML) is placed in order to develop and attain English proficiency while meeting challenging State academic standards. This new field can be found on the Student Data>Modify Student>Tracking>ML tab. It can also be mass set from the Student Data > Mass Change tab. | ||||||||||||||
12 | CityOfResidence | Demographics.Contacts.Addresses | The City field on the student's Address record (Legal Residence) | ||||||||||||||
44 | MigrantStatus | Demographics.Categories | Migrant Status is an indication of whether or not a student is a migrant student. A Certificate of Eligibility (COE) must be on file in the district verifying the student’s eligibility. • 21 years of age or younger; and • Who is, or whose parent/guardian is, a migratory fisher, dairy worker, or agricultural worker; and, • Who in the preceding 36 months has moved from one school district to another in order for the worker to obtain temporary or seasonal employment in agricultural or fishing work. | ||||||||||||||
92 | EighthTechnologicalLiteracy | Demographics.Categories | This data element is an indication of whether the student has met the eighth grade technological proficiency consistent with the NJ Student Learning Standards through district-level assessment or evaluation. Field will be left blank if not in Eighth grade. Will default to "NE" for Eighth graders if blank. | ||||||||||||||
35 | HealthInsuranceStatus | Medical.HealthRecords | This field is set to a Y if the Has Medical Insurance flag is set to yes | ||||||||||||||
36 | HealthInsuranceProvider | Medical.HealthRecords | The full name of the insurance provider as it is displayed in the drop down list. That list is maintained in Setup.Code HEALTH_INS_PROVIDERS | ||||||||||||||
117 | HomeLanguage1 HomeLanguage2 HomeLanguage3 HomeLanguage4 HomeLanguage5 | Demographics.Required | The code for the specific primary language or dialect that the student uses to communicate at home. | ||||||||||||||
110 | ImmigrantStatus | Demographics.Required | From the SID Handbook - Under Section 3201 of the Every Student Succeeds Act, the term "immigrant children and youth" means individuals who: (A) are aged 3 through 21; (B) were not born in any State; and (C) have not been attending one or more schools in any one or more States for more than 3 full academic years. Field is mandatory for all students born outside of the United States, except for Non-Public students, preschool referral students, and shared time vocational school students being reported by the vocational school. ImmigrantStatus will be filled in if CountryOfBirth is a country other than the US. Field will be left blank if student is born within the United States, including Puerto Rico and other US territories. ImmigrantStatus will be set to "N" if DistrictEntryDate or FirstEntryDateIntoAUSSchool is a date more than 3 years ago, otherwise, students born outside US or US territories will be set to "Y". Field is mandatory for all students born outside of the United States, except for Non-Public students, preschool referral students, and shared time vocational school students being reported by the vocational school. | ||||||||||||||
111 | FirstEntryDateIntoAUSSchool | Demographics.Required | The month, day, and year of an individual's initial enrollment into a United States school. If option, "Have collection check District Entry and Registration Dates if student's First Entry US School field is blank" is selected on NJSmart screen, then Genesis will check both the student's District Entry Date and Registration Date and use the earliest of the two for FirstEntryDateIntoAUSSchool if the student does not have a First Entry US School date filled in on the Demographics page. Field is mandatory if student is born outside of the US, except for Non-Public students, preschool referral students, and shared time vocational school students being reported by the vocational school. | ||||||||||||||
74 | Homeless | Tracking.Other.Homeless | • Y1 = Yes, student was homeless at any time during the school year and has been in the physical custody of a parent or legal guardian. • Y2 = Yes, student was homeless at any time during the school year and was NOT in the physical custody of a parent or legal guardian (unaccompanied). • N = No, student was not homeless. If a student was homeless at any time during the current school year, then this field must be “Y1” or “Y2”. | ||||||||||||||
112 | HomelessPrimaryNighttimeResidence | Tracking.Other.Homeless | An indication of the nighttime residence for homeless students. Field is mandatory if Homeless = “Y1” or “Y2”. | ||||||||||||||
446 | HomelessInstructionalService | Tracking.Other.Homeless | An indication of whether a homeless student is receiving or not receiving instructional services under 42 U.S.C. §11432(a). | ||||||||||||||
447 | HomelessSupportService | Tracking.Other.Homeless | An indication of whether a homeless student is receiving or not receiving support services under 42 U.S.C. §11432(a). | ||||||||||||||
113 | AlternativeEducationProgram | Tracking.Other.AlternateEdProgram | Set to Y if student was enrolled in alternate program at any point in school year. | ||||||||||||||
448 | Title 1 Indicator | Student.BasicSkills NJSmart.NJSmartStudentFields | Set automatically based on school configuration and Basic Skills tracking, see below for more details. An override for this field is located on the student's NJSmart>NJSmart Student Fields subtab. This override can be mass updated using Student Data > Mass Change | ||||||||||||||
21 | SchoolStatus | Demographics.Required Tracking.Registration | The student’s current enrollment status within a school. | ||||||||||||||
395 | SchoolEntryCode | Demographics.Required Tracking.Registration | From the SID Handbook- To meet the state and federal requirements for continuous enrollment, a student must be given an enrollment classification code at the beginning of each school year. The enrollment for an individual student is defined as the “entry status” and is a means to assure that all students are assigned a code the first day of school. | ||||||||||||||
396 | DaysOpen | Attendance.AttendanceCalendar Calendar > School > Calendar New Jersey > NJ Smart > Report Extracts | Number of days school is open for during the school year, and NOT the number of days enrolled. Genesis sets this value based on the school's calendar of the school the student is in. This value can be overridden for the district on the New Jersey > NJ Smart > NJSMART screen, by filling out the field Override Days Open Value for SID collections field. This will NOT be used if the student has this field overridden on their NJ Smart tab. Note: This total does NOT need to equal NumberOfDaysPresent + NumberOfDaysAbsent. - DaysOpen is a completely separate NJ Smart field. From the SID Handbook - The number of days the program of instruction was in session for the entire year, this is the number of days during the annual reporting period from July 1 through June 30. School day in session is a day on which the school is open, and students are under the guidance and direction of a teacher(s); and the day must be 4 hours or more to be considered a full day (or at least 2.5 hours for kindergarten). The number of days does NOT include summer school. The extended school year is included in the calculation up to June 30 and only when it is required for ALL students. • This data element is collected at the program level and should not be confused with a student’s days in membership. | ||||||||||||||
115 | NumberOfDaysPresent | Attendance.AttendanceCalendar | Number of days present, as of the collection day, for a particular SID record | ||||||||||||||
397 | NumberOfDaysAbsent | Attendance.AttendanceCalendar | Number of days absent, as of the collection day, for a particular SID record Note for Full Time students: Per NJ Smart, any half day absences will NOT reported here. Daily Attendance codes that are configured as half present / half absent are tallied as 1 Full Day Present for SID Mgt. reporting. | ||||||||||||||
399 | NumberOfStateExcusedAbsences | Attendance.AttendanceCalendar | Number of days State Excused, as of the collection day, for a particular SID record | ||||||||||||||
434 | ReportedSharedVoc | Tracking.Other.SharedTime | An indication that the student is a shared-time vocational school student being reported by the county vocational school. Y if your district is a vocational district and the student is shared time received | ||||||||||||||
435 | DeafHardOfHearing | NJSmart.NJSmartStudentFields | An indication of whether a preschool student is Deaf or hard of hearing. Can be set via Student Data>Modify Student>NJSmart>NJSmart Student Fields. | ||||||||||||||
436 | LanguageAcquisition | NJSmart.NJSmartStudentFields | The language acquisition rating of a preschool child who is Deaf or hard of hearing. Can be set via Student Data>Modify Student>NJSmart>NJSmart Student Fields. | ||||||||||||||
488 | FAFSACompletionIndicator | Graduation | An indication a student met the graduation requirement to complete the Free Application for Federal Student Aid (FAFSA) or the New Jersey Alternative Financial Aid Application or is exempted from the requirement in accordance with procedures outlined in the law. Acceptable Values: • C – Completed the Free Application for Federal Student Aid (FAFSA) or the New Jersey Alternative Financial Aid Application. • E – Provided a Waiver from parent or counselor exempting student from the financial aid application requirement under the law. • N – Student is in Grade 12 but will not be graduating Three new fields were added to the Student Data>Modify Student>Graduation tab: "Waived FAFSA Requirement", "Waiver Requirement Signed On" and "Waiver Requirement Signed By". These three fields can be manually set or controlled via Parent Forms. We have a sample form posted here. For Parent Forms, a new Response Type "Waive FAFSA Requirement" has been added to Form Questions. When parents answer YES/NO to a waiver question, Waived FAFSA Requirement", "Waiver Requirement Signed On" and "Waiver Requirement Signed By" on the student will be filled in. The new waiver fields can be found on the StudentGraduationInfo object. Completed and Waived can be set manually or by a parent form, as noted above. To set a student to N, you would have to select a denial reason in the "Denied graduation due to" dropdown on the student's Graduation tab. When that is selected, the N will pull automatically on the student's SID record. |
How CDS Receiving and Attending is Set
County/District/School Code Receiving
Values will be determined using the following process:
- Genesis will first check to see if a CDS receiving code override exists on a students NJSmart tab. If it exists, Genesis will ALWAYS use these codes forgoing the following logic.
- Genesis will check the CDS Code on the students current Genesis School (The current school is the school that is on the attendance record as of Snapshot date). The CDS code for a school can be found in SETUP>Schools>Modify School.
- If the Genesis School does not have a CDS code (for example: Out Of District School), and is NOT a Charter, then Genesis will check to see if student has an active IEP with a OOD CDS filled in.
- If not, Genesis will then use the CDS code on the Student's Genesis Home School.
- Students who have a Resident District different from that of your Master District in Genesis and who are Special Ed with an Active IEP set to OOD will have their Receiving CDS set to that students Home School as set on the students Demographics page UNLESS Master District district type is set to type REGIONAL SCHOOL DISTRICT.
- Non Vocational Shared Time Students. See NJSmartFAQ
- Student sitting in a Genesis setup Non-public school will have their Receiving School set to the Student's Home School (on demographics screen)
- If a student is Tuition Sent to a School marked as a Preschool Provider (in Setup>State Schools) then Receiving School will be set to the Preschool Provider.
- Resident District Students who live in a group home (or foster) who are Tuition Sent to an OOD will have the Receiving CDS set to the Tuition Sent school's CDS.
- Student sent to OOD Vocational in Tuition record will have OOD Vocational set as Receiving School.
- If student still has no Receiving School or a Receiving School = 000 after above logic applied will use the CDS of the Home School of student.
County/District/School Code Attending
The school the student is attending is determined using the following process:
- Examine the attendance record as of the snapshot date
- If the student is in a Genesis School with a valid CDS code (Setup>Schools) - That is the attending school
- If the student has an IEP as of the snapshot date; and the IEP has a CDS (Sent OOD) - That becomes the attending school
- If the student has a tuition tracking record as of the snapshots date; and the record has a CDS - That becomes the attending school
- If a student is attending an In-County Vocational school full time, the vocational school will be set as the attending school.
- If a Regional District student's In-District School has a State School Code of 000 assigned in Genesis, students Home School CDS is used instead.
If student has Shared Time Tracking record marked as SENT with the CDS codes filled in, the values from the Shared Time Records CDS will automatically be used for Attending. Unless student is Shared Time to a non-vocational school.
If students are sitting in a Preschool Referral (Pre-Eval) school, they will have the following fields blanked on on the SID file: Grade Level, PTC, Lunch Status and Special Ed Classification.
- This "Is Preschool Referral/Pre-Evaluation School" field is found via Setup>Schools>Modify School:
For homeless students in your OOD, if the student is in their first year homeless, with a homeless tracking record and sent tuition record with the CDS codes filled in, then we will pull the tuition records CDS codes as the Receiving County, District, and School.
See NJ Smart FAQ for more information
How to set the Title I Indicator field
* Configure School Setup
In Setup > Schools, click on a school's name to modify it. You will see the new Title I dropdown.
- This dropdown contains the following options:
01 - Public Targeted Assistance Program
02 - Public Schoolwide Program
04 - Local Neglected Program
05 - Not Applicable (default setting)
- NOTE: If your school was previously set with the Title I School checkbox, on 1/3/25 the system updated this automatically to 01 - Public Targeted Assistance Program
- NOTE: Genesis will identify any school as 'Title 1 School' as long as an option other than "05 not applicable" is set here.
* How Students are reported as Title I in NJSmart SID
- NJSmart collections now uses a combination of this Title 1 dropdown and a student's Basic Skills tracking record to determine the Title1Indicator field in SID. The Title1Indicator field in SID will be calculated as:
Title I Indicator | Notes |
05 - Was not served | This will be the default for students in the collection unless ReportedSharedVoc =Y or one of the following codes is determined. |
01 - Public Targeted Assistance Program | If a student is in a school assigned "Title 1 - Public Targeted Assistance Program" in Setup > Schools > Modify School and the student has a basic skill tracking record marked "Enrolled in Program". |
02 - Public Schoolwide Program | For all students in a school assigned "Title 1 - Public Schoolwide Program " in Setup > Schools > Modify School. |
03 - Non-public school students participating | Any non public student in a school marked "Title 1 - Public Targeted Assistance Program" that also has a basic skill marked "Enrolled in Program" |
04 - Local Neglected Program | If a student is in a school marked "Title 1 - Local Neglected Program" and has a basic skill marked "Enrolled in Program" |
NOTE: If the student has an Override Title I Indicator filled in on Student Data > NJ Smart > NJSmart Fields tab, then we will use that value instead.
How Attendance is Calculated for NJSmart
Attendance can be calculated from one of two places. It is either totaled from the Daily Attendance your district records for a student -OR- it is read from a manually input NJSmart Attendance total. NJSmart Attendance totals are entered into Genesis from the NJ > NJ Smart > NJSMART Attendance tab, which is a great screen to use for your Out Of District students. Here, you may enter than manually from the Attendance sub tab, or import them from an excel spreadsheet on the Import/Export sub tab. If a Student has a manually entered NJSmartAttendance record, it will appear on that student's Attendance > Calendar tab directly above the existing Totals Table on the right side of the screen.
Q: NJ Smart informed us that we need to code a student as ZZ/0000/000. How do we add that?
If it's missing from the CDS dropdowns, you add it in via Setup>State Schools>Districts and Setup>State Schools>Schools.
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